Clif High - NOYZE! Overwhelming shit tsunami!

5 months ago

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!

Hello humans, hello humans. Sorry about that. A bit of a yucky fog on the beach. It's 7.19 a.m. and on August 7th I have some information on the long term data and some other stuff to discuss here. Where to start? Okay, so I've been able, because of my circumstances here,
to run my servers and do the processing for the dataset continuously in a way that I have not in the past. recent past been able to achieve. So the processing is going fairly rapidly because there is no real downtime. Fundamentally I shifted all of the servers out of the office and into the house,
and so they're running in a back bedroom here. I'm able to do this because I'm in the process of collapsing my household. That is to say, I'm getting ready to relocate because this property and house needs repair. I can't really do that myself, and I don't want to be here when it happens.
And my circumstances have changed, and so I've basically abandoned the idea of doing an expansion to this place, it would be far too late and inadequate to the needs. I think I've got a location that I can relocate to, scoped out. Now I just have to go through and make it happen.
But in the meantime, I'm going through and sorting everything out for a move. It's not as bad as when we moved here in 2017 and 18, because we had been able to shed a bunch of crap, but I still now have to go through and deal with my wife's belongings and things. Just a really sad situation.
In any event, though, so I'm in the process of relocating. I'm future-focused in that sense. I've got to do a lot of stuff to get myself and the dogs shifted over in an orderly fashion. The place I'm relocating to, if I can make it all happen, is many hours away from here,
so that's going to be a bit of an issue as well. In any event, that is part of the background... of the situation that is affecting us all in the sense that I have a lot of noise in my life, right? I got life noise.
This is a decent subject to deal with at the moment because it's affecting everyone that's in future forecasting kind of work. And there was recently I saw, I think it's out only yesterday, saw a video with Dick Allgaier and Ed, I don't know the other guy's name,
three people discussing the noise in the future and what it does to remote viewing. And here's basically the concept. there's so much happening, so much erupting, that as a future forecaster, what's the point of predicting yet more of the same that's now already emergent, okay? And so back when I was saying, you know, 20 plus years ago,
when I was saying $600 silver, it was really something to contemplate that. Now it's like, eh, not so much, right? Silver could easily on a, they're even talking about doing a dollar to metals connection by way of crypto DeFi connection that would basically revalue gold and gold might go $30,000 per ounce or more with a corresponding rise
in silver that would be not able to be adequately projected at this point because of the suppression of silver and the ratio of silver to gold in the extraction business. But it might well be north of $3,000 per ounce. Who knows? Anyway, so there's a lot of noise in the system. Noise being events that are happening.
They're happening in streams, so to speak. So there's a theme of financial collapse. We'll be into that for years as we work through all of the issues that have built up over these last 100 plus years with the dollar as a strategic reserve for everybody. So anything you want to project relative to financials is likely to occur.
The only real advantage would be able to project such a thing ahead of it with some accuracy in timing. Okay, so now timing is more critical than content at this moment. in terms of being able to project, because we can project that there's going to be more war. We can project yet more bank failures.
And you could project it even to the point of saying, well, there's going to be more Japanese bank failures. That's probably very factual. But there's also going to be more Indonesian, more American, more Chinese, etc., etc., So we're in a period of very high content noise. This is what it is like in a shift of the ages.
Everything comes bubbling up. Right at the moment, we're into one of those Mercury retrograde things through to the 28th of this month. And so you can expect that the noise will contain... Aspects of people examining their language, examining their thinking, and having to be forced to examine past thinking and past language relative to current events.
That's just the way these things work. So it's not going to be much use to go out there and do a lot of... forecasting of individual events. Rather, it is less useful now than it has been in the past. And Dick Allgaier and his compatriots there were discussing the impact of this on the remote viewing business,
which is exactly the same situation that I find myself in. I'm running through all the shorter term and longer term data at the moment in the processing. I've got a screen splash, which is basically just a way that I know that the process is still functioning and
hasn't run into any kind of a problem that needs my attention and addressing. And so I have data displayed up on the screen as it gets processed. And so, you know, millions of rows of data just being splashed up on the screen as an indicator of function. But you get to sort of...
acclimatize yourself to the speed of the display at the various different times of the processing and so your eyes can pick things out to some degree but you know it's like well the things i'm seeing in terms of the language that may be prescient are going to be less than useful to report on because of the
of the state of the materium at the moment, our little area of the materium here. That is to say, we're highly packed with noise. A lot of this has to do with crossing the M9 point, which coincidentally was on May 9th. M9 being a calculation of a
measurement of degrees up off of the obscuring plane of galactic center mass relative to our solar system's sinusoidal arcing in its orbit around the central mass of the galaxy. And it was just coincident that we crossed M9, which was nine degrees up off of this, fixed plane that everybody uses for calculating in these things.
We crossed that point on May 9th of this year. And that was the point. So from that point on, Earth and the inner planets are all going to be, all the time, being bathed in new energies from galactic center, which accounts for a lot of the noise in our activity now, all this shit happening,
everything bubbling up all at once. It's because there's a lot more energy being pumped into humanity that goes into our brains, gets us all unsettled, that kind of thing. Sorry about that. I've got interruptions, so there may be some disjointed areas in this. discussion. Anyway, so we passed the M9 point. All of the inner planets, including Earth,
are being bathed in more energies, more emanations from galactic center. This changes the level of amperage, so to speak, on the amount of energy being poured into our system. And we've also been able to notice, by the way, as a side note, some interesting things on the
fall off of the speed of light and gravity once you get past certain large planets in our solar system relative to influx of ether coming into us at the moment. Anyway, though, so these energies are coming into humanity. We're reacting to them in a mental fashion, and basically all of our shit's coming up,
and we're going to deal with it. And so you just see more and more and more outrageous stuff popping up because it's necessary that we deal with this deep, dark crap and get it out of the way.
So this is going to be the trend for probably 30 or 40 years of us as a species acclimatizing to these energetic waves coming in, as well as examining our history, going back through it all, rooting out all of the crap and all of the lies and everything that had been put in,
in an attempt to create the conditions to take us over. Which isn't going to happen, but there are still fierce battles yet ahead of us here in the future. Now, so as I was saying, I agree with Dick Allgaier's conclusion that it may just be best to back off in
terms of trying to do any kind of remote viewing and that sort of thing at the moment. not only for the conditions he was talking about on a personal level, but also because of the sheer level of noise. Back in 2008 through 2013, maybe, the datasets had been discussing the race war,
and it's not really a race war, but that's an easy way to characterize it. It's a race-slash-religion-slash-minion of the powers that be war, right? And it was going to erupt in Europe. And this was before the mass migration had really even started to take off. And... The data set showed that it was going to be fierce.
It was going to involve many, many, many fierce battles. And it was basically going to be a rehash of the Reconquista period that took like 871 years. That was the period of time it took for the... for the Christian community in Europe to push the Moors, a Muslim empire,
out of Spain and Italy and Portugal and back to Africa. So it took a long time then. Anyway, so we're into something similar now. It's going to progress fairly rapidly. The details, again, on this kind of stuff, it's getting to the point where it's not significant anymore.
We've seen the eruption or the manifestation of these forecasts actually happening now in Ireland and England, and it's not going to stop. It's just the beginning of a very large emotional trend. Now, there are things that could be done. All right, so let me stop for a second and pause.
provide something about the tactics that are used by the disruptors here, the Elohim worship cult, the Jews, the Pharisees, the rabbinical councils, and their minions. They use a particular tactic that you can liken to mental judo. And it involves getting everyone amped up hormonally so that there's a lot of energy in their system,
more than they can usually handle. And thus it needs an expression, a manifestation to like get it out, so to speak. And then they do that, they get you all amped up in a period of time when your grasp on things is unsettled, and so you're off balance. And so in essence,
they're trying to get you to react and move such that they can push you easier when you are in motion to the solution that they want you to pursue. to express because they're using that expression in their own manner. So, you know, you're just a tool for them.
No matter where you are in the unfolding of any of this, someone at that level is using the general themes that are running around to their ends. And so the Elohim worship cult, the Jews, the rabbinical council, the Pharisees, whatever you want to call these guys, right, the globalists,
they do things like create the situation with the tension with the migrants in order that everybody will just be amped all the fuck up. with energy just exploding ready to explode to get out and then they create the conditions of bringing these disharmonious communities together such and then
protect one against the other in order that these things may be manifest so in order that the contention may manifest into some level of kinetic action at that point And they do this in many different ways, and they do it with language, with authority, and so on.
Now, we've seen recently that their ability to do this with language in the media is failing. People are not buying their poor migrant stories in the media except the mind-controlled Waconian left. And you can just write those people off at this stage. They're not very likely to survive these coming two or three years.
So because people aren't buying the narrative, they've got to shift over to their legalistic language in the sense that they control them. institutions and the organizations. And so they put language through them in order to protect the migrants, in order to cause the greater disharmonious period that leads to the contention
that they need in order to try and impose the elements of their larger agenda. So they want fighting in the street so that they can come on in and say, you need UN troops here, you need blue helmets, you need We need to install this kind of surveillance system.
You people need to be in control because you're obviously not in control now. All right, so this is a particular tactic, by the way. I won't go into that. It's a social thing. It's very deeply embedded. And basically, when you're righteously angry, they turn it on you by asking, are you okay?
You're seeming extremely agitated, that sort of thing, right? Whereas it's really just righteous anger about ready to come on out and smack him in the face. And so they try and shift the mental focus away from the external and turn it back into you internally.
And that's what's going to be proffered in all of these places where the characterization of the race war breaks out. And it's basically the anti-white war coming out into the open and the whites fighting back. And this is going to get a lot of attention,
but there's no point in forecasting any future elements of this because it's going to be so ongoing and so general for these next few years. All right, so there is something to take away from this, and that is that the way that all of these circumstances work, the way that the Elohim worship cult, the Pharisees,
the rabbinical councils, the Jews at all attempt to function are on these two elements, and they need both of them in order for their evil plans to proceed. One of the elements is to get you over-energized so that you must get rid of some of it. And that's very easy because the extra energy is coming in anyway.
And then the other aspect of that is to keep you unstable so that they can push you off balance in a relatively little amount of effort. And they will continue to do this. Now, they're going to try and do this on many different fronts. So they'll try and do it on religious war.
They'll try and do it on race war. They'll try and do all of these things to keep you agitated and unbalanced while they pump energy into the system. In order to counteract that, what you need to do is to remove those two actions against you from having any effect. So that is,
you need to make yourself calm in spite of the extra energy that they're attempting to pump into you. And then you need to make yourself stable relative to the language that they're trying to pump into your mind to excite. create that instability so if you are calm and if you are mentally stable basically
inwardly focused already in a calm fashion not being forced to look at yourself because of someone stating that you're too emotional, but rather looking at yourself and basically looking at yourself observing what's going on around you rather than participating in it. So if you're calm and if you have a center such that you're not unbalanced,
they can't do anything to you. You won't react to their... provocation and prompts, you'll be able to respond as is required. And you'll also be able to keep a watchful eye out for all these other humans who are not so centered, who are not so calm and stable, and who will be reacting badly,
who will fall into this trap. Now, so in this regard, there's interesting things to report. excuse me, interesting things to report here that are not detailed manifestations, but are more general manifestations. So I do find, even in the noise, that this sort of observation has some validity and some practical application.
One of these observations is that the rate of Okay, so there is a shift in the emotional attachments to the language relative to long-term data sets. This means that there's fundamentally a very large change within the population relative to their outlook on the future and how far out they're looking.
So these kind of things produce documents like the Declaration of Independence. A lot of language, a lot of long-term language with a high emotional content. You don't usually get those two together, but we're now seeing that the longer-term language is expressing with higher aspects and attributes of emotionality than had been the past. So
Those kind of things are meaningful in the sense that you can see an underlying shift and it's not necessarily anything I can use today, but I do know that there's going to be an optimistic bloom within the noise that will be coming out through these next few months and years.
Within the noise, I am still seeing temporal markers that are etching closer to manifestation. Just saw one today where we're getting officialdom in the form of Donald Trump Jr. discussing distributed finance and other stuff that basically Reggie Middleton owns all the patents on. And this extremely useful technology, guys, it totally wipes out,
comes in from a flank and wipes out all of the central bank stuff, replaces it. It replaces it easily. It replaces it with self-auditing operations. So you greatly reduce the potential for fraud or misdeeds or even mistakes. And it's really cool technology. It's been a long, hard road for the guy, right?
He's been fighting in courts and they beat him up and stuff. But I think we may be coming to that point. We're the temporal marker of the data projecting that the government would come to talk to Reggie to acquire license or have him design for some aspect of the new financial system.
And we're not talking quantum financial system or Nasara, Gasara. Those things are scams, okay? Don't get me started on that shit. If you're going to bring up any of that, then you've got to bring up your med bids and show me some fucking receipts, okay? Show me something that is meaningful. So, anyway.
I think, okay, so... I've got that... Hang on a second. Anyway, so the problems we've got now, the noise of the whole system is going to be going on for years, decades, probably much longer than I will survive. It seems fitting that I'm going to wind things down.
There's no real point to continuing this amount of effort being applied this way when the results aren't really going to be much practical use for anybody. because they're just going to be within noise that's already occurring. So I feel good about that, that, you know, I'm able to wind down,
not because my body and everything is crapping out on me or whatever, but simply because there's no longer any need. It's not going to aid people at this stage. There's, you know, minutiae involved, but I don't really care about a lot of that. The general trends are enough to know, you know, the cryptos are going to go,
And be real solid, a lot of them are going to fall away because they're not solid. These temporal markers are going to manifest. We'll see Bitcoin over 100,000 probably before the end of the year, these kind of things, right? Those are basically details within the overall noise at the moment.
So, like I say, I don't feel bad about shutting down. I'm going to run the processing through on this data and basically pack everything up. I have to pack everything up anyway in order to relocate, but I'll be doing so. I'll be packing it up for longer-term storage because I can't see at this stage conditions that would...
allow for or make it necessary for me to restart this kind of stuff it's like I say it's interesting but it's tons of work and it has brought me all kinds of unwanted attention and all that's hopefully will just fade away now that I'm going to slowly
probably over the next month or so retire from doing this kind of thing at all I'll do the reports on this last set of data because the guys were kind enough to do such a superior job in collecting it for me. DAT tapes are their, I like DAT tapes, okay,
very secure way to move large amounts of data around, but they're their own punishment because you don't, most people don't know, but it's basically like an old audio recording tape that's a little bit wider and it's a little bit more sturdy and it has more elements per nanometer you know, per millimeter on the tape itself.
So it can really hold a lot of data. But the issue is that the stuff reacts to the environment. Of course, as all polymers and plastics do, it's going to have some level of stretch. And so when you get these DAT tapes, your machine has to look at these reference marks that are
that are at the beginning of the tape that are put on by the machine that put the data on it. And it has to keep moving the tape back and forth, back and forth, applying tension on the various reels in the tape in order to create the same level of stretch as when the data was applied.
Otherwise, it misses stuff, right? It can skip over vast amounts of data because it doesn't have the tape stretched out to the same level as the machine that put it on. So it is just really kind of tedious, especially when I'm dealing with this DAT tape out here on the coast,
where the temperature and humidity conditions are not like any of the ascending conditions. So anyway, so I'm kind of glad to be able to put all this shit aside because it is so tedious. Like one of the tapes the other day ran... a good hour and 45 minutes on stretching to get the right sync.
Then the data came out just really, you know, no problems whatsoever. But it was quite tedious. I thought the tape was bad. You know, after an hour, it's usually like, I mean, usually the conditions I used to use it in were air, you know, the air temperature and humidity and everything were controlled because it was a
data center. Doing this out in the wild, so to speak, And it's not so much, and it really is wild out here. You know, 99% humidity with 56 degrees, that kind of thing, causes real issues in dealing with these media. So, that's basically it. I'm just saying that, you know, noise is affecting us all.
I actually expect that a lot of the temporal markers relative to finances that we're temporally coincident with temporal markers for space aliens are going to be popping off. So it was temporally coincident. So in the data sets, the forecast for the government going to talk to Reggie included, or that was coincident with big financial problems,
big crashes in the real estate or in the stock market. and big crashes in the ability of banks to do real estate financing that led to just a total gutting of the USA real estate market. All of this stuff happening basically in the same period of time. And we're starting to see some of that stuff manifest.
I don't see any reason to suspect that the rest of it will not. It's just going to be a question of how long it's going to take to unfold. But... The financials that we're going to be involved with for years, even after we get put onto a recovery footing by whatever means, Trump or whatever happens, right?
Space aliens come down and they conquer us all and they get us back to work, whatever the hell. It's going to take us a long time to come up with something that will be functional. And we're in the process of these great shifts. And these great shifts are playing out at an individual level by beating the shit
out of us with, you know, race or religious wars or financial calamity, all of this kind of crap. So anyway, a lot of noise in our life for a while. I'll make further comments as maybe, or further audios as maybe necessary. pertinent and practical, but in general probably not going to be making much of these at all.
I've got too much to do. I've got too much packing and that kind of thing. So anyway guys, take care. Interesting times.


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