TheDimNews LIVE: Kamala Chooses Old White Guy as Running Mate

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


RonGreen1 You could set your clock by Beverly and Alex.😂

RonGreen1 Lovely ladies are always fashionably late. So there's that.

JQuickDraw Supporter If severity of tardiness was directly proportional to one's level of fashion sense, Beverly and Alex would place in the 99th percentile of runway models.

Qriist Supporter that's what happens when you turn 40, just can't move as fast to start the stream

Qriist Supporter "I don't have money. No, wait, I have 1, a single money." -Beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter I am having issues since moving. I am also not accustomed to people missing me, so that's a new thing lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter squatting?

RonGreen1 There is a walker in Beverly's future.

JQuickDraw Supporter I picture her using a cane with a goose head knob on top.

Qriist Supporter welcome to my world of "it hurts to move"

JQuickDraw Supporter "Who lives in the house?" "Oh that one? That's Crazy Old Mother Goose's House. You don't want to go in there. She'll cook n' eat ya."

Qriist Supporter "I used to be a duck until I took a pitbull to the knee."

Qriist Supporter You do not appear to be floating.

Qriist Supporter These stories are just you funning cover for Todd hitting you. Blink twice if you've suffered Ginger-induced bruising.

RonGreen1 That poor duck may need some Prozac.

Qriist Supporter Darkwing Duck

Qriist Supporter has a mask and everything

Qriist Supporter get him a hat

Qriist Supporter and a cape

thrasybulus I show up late and the show hasn't really started yet.

thrasybulus @BeverlyWannabeHillbilly Should've married a veterinarian.

JQuickDraw Supporter No, she should have married a zookeeper. "I could swear there are more animals in the cages every week. How is this happening?"

thrasybulus Haiku is poetry, which is the lowest form of writing.

thrasybulus Lower than press releases.

JQuickDraw Supporter ??? Poetry, like all writing, is sublime when done well and garbage when written by a hack.

Qriist Supporter Alex save us, yo

Qriist Supporter Duckwanda is reciting

Qriist Supporter haikus again, yo

JQuickDraw Supporter And for my money, opeds in legacy rags are the lowest of the low. Who cares what out-of-touch boomers think about anything?

Qriist Supporter music is just noisy poetry

Qriist Supporter music is just the poetry of noises

thrasybulus Carmina (Latin) meaning Poem or Song.

JQuickDraw Supporter Music is poetry surfing the sound waves.

RonGreen1 I'm washing my hair that night, is how girls tell a guy they will never go out with them.

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw What about letters to the editor vs op-eds?

Qriist Supporter surprise your crush by washing her hair in the shower for her

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Sometimes you get smart people writing in to the papers. Although, I haven't read physical newspapers or even magazines in over a decade. So, yeah, maybe it's all changed now.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Sounds like the Joey B Babe Washin' Service

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Like the comments on website articles.

Qriist Supporter My normal shampoo was sold out a couple weeks ago. The random replacement stuff I got has made my hair super greasy at all times. It's very gross and unpleasant. Hate it.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist So it turned you into an extra on the Sopranos.

Qriist Supporter never seen that show

Qriist Supporter "unscented" = no additional

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Yeah comment sections have all kinds in there, some truly stupid and some smart and some funny, even on stupid articles and posts.

RonGreen1 Farm fresh hair.😂

thrasybulus Dandruff is often the consequence of having slept with wet hair/scalp. Dark, warm, and wet is the perfect growing ground for dandruff causing bacteria or fungus, I dont remember which it is.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Are these foodstuffs natural?" "Oh no, they were conjured into existence from an eldritch non-Euclidean realm."

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Also they make me feel way better about my spelling and punctuation.

Qriist Supporter hydrochloroquine is all natural. I recommend eating it daily. 🐴

Qriist Supporter *talk to your dentist before starting any new meds

Qriist Supporter In your case, it's just plop breaking into the shower to duckrape you

Qriist Supporter love goat cheese

JQuickDraw Supporter So goat milk is the lamb of dairy.

Qriist Supporter atmosphere is mostly nitrogen

JQuickDraw Supporter A man walks into a bar and says, "Gimme some H2O." A man sitting at the bar says, "I'll have some H2O too." The second man died.

Qriist Supporter when babies need oxygen masks, you're not supposed to put the mask directly on them. Instead, place the mask next to the baby's face to allow increased airflow. They quickly go blind otherwise.

RonGreen1 Tim Rambo

JQuickDraw Supporter Kamala the Butcher was considering Tony Bag-O-Donuts, but chose Tommy Walnuts as her VP.

thrasybulus He also abandoned his battalion in the run up to its deployement to run for congress. He was supposed to be his battalion's Command Sergeant Major CSM.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think Walz had tampons placed in boys' restrooms in MN.

thrasybulus He went over his battalion commander's head to get retirement rather than deploy. His battalion commander literally told him he was too valueable to be allowed to leave to run. His replacement...

thrasybulus ...did not have kind words on it.

Qriist Supporter I'm already not voting for Kamala, you don't have to keep giving me reasons to hate her.

JQuickDraw Supporter Walz is to Kamala as Biden was to Obama, a safe white guy to bring in the hesitant white people.

RonGreen1 Isn't Walz 60 and Kamela 59. Only one year difference in age.

thrasybulus Veteran Exposes Tim Walz's Military Record - "Abandoned His Soldiers"

purpletiger69 The other guy's name they were floating was Shapiro but he is Jewish and the left has an issue with the Minnesota and all the middle easterners there.

Qriist Supporter Kamala's a human salad tosser. She also spews word salad.

purpletiger69 Basically they were afraid of the Jewish guys becuase they thought they would lose Minnesota because of all the muslims there

RonGreen1 Intelligence was chasing Kamela, but she was too fast.🤣

thrasybulus Kamala and Tim told me how amazingly sharp Joe was after the debate. That seems trustworthy...

JQuickDraw Supporter Trump's team needs to pound home Kamala's record as a prosecutor. Tulsi ended her primary run in one day when she just listed the shit Kamala did.

thrasybulus Correct link from above.

JQuickDraw Supporter Condom? Just grab some Saran Wrap and get to it.

thrasybulus Excessive alcohol and HBC not a great mix.

JQuickDraw Supporter What if your partner is extremely committed . . . to not using condoms?

Qriist Supporter You're basically almost married. The Ginger about to keep you barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen, and safe from hostile drinking mugs.

purpletiger69 I meant Michigan because I think walz is from Minnesota and hi

JQuickDraw Supporter No, I don't want plastic in my balls, so I would use natural parchment paper as a condom.

JQuickDraw Supporter resveratrol

RonGreen1 They used aluminum foil in Sperminator 3. "I'll come again."

Qriist Supporter The more likely issue from overhydration is desalination. Your salt levels deplete so far they can't hold themselves together. Drowning to death on a cellular level.

Qriist Supporter The Russian pilots had the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever.



thrasybulus They pay me by the word. So how many ways can I say the same thing and get paid for it. - article author.

thrasybulus The mentally insane do sound like Kamala's base.

thrasybulus Pennsylvannia is a swing state with lots of dead voters that lean it one way.

thrasybulus @Beverly Don't forget to get rid of Pittsburgh.

Qriist Supporter the more important question is, can we win his money

Qriist Supporter he's stein-adjacent

thrasybulus Why wasn't anyone funny on Comics for Kamala? Ben Stiller went full retard.

Qriist Supporter his body langauge says there's a gun to his head

JQuickDraw Supporter Actors are dancing monkeys. They need to stop getting involved in this political shit. I thought after the Gal Godot "Imagine" debacle during covid this nonsense might end.

Qriist Supporter energizing in the wrong direction lol

RonGreen1 Make Brothels Great Again - Kamela Harris

Qriist Supporter "Just penises, 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦." -Beverly

thrasybulus Clearly doesn't want to be a grandpa.

thrasybulus He could literally fly her out of the country on a private jet to have a "miscarriage" and a prolonged recovery to erase the evidence.

Qriist Supporter she was already president

thrasybulus Is she an Indjun or just an Indian?

Qriist Supporter This is Obama's fault.

thrasybulus FEC filings will eventually come out.

JQuickDraw Supporter You should read the lines for Kamala with way too much emotion, and tears rolling down your face, red faced and shaking with quiet rage lol.

Qriist Supporter no she's the elephant kind

RonGreen1 Kamela is a 7-11 Indian.

Qriist Supporter No, I was being serious. You were describing paid propaganda. Obama strike down the federal ban against domestic propaganda.

thrasybulus ASL is just 1900ish stereotypes.

thrasybulus What did Kamala say to Brown, Willy after being told his was appointing her to a new position? Thank you, cum again.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Nice. Sexual, political, and racist all at the same time.

thrasybulus Doug Emhoef is her husband.

Qriist Supporter I'm sure they ran through her.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

JQuickDraw Supporter "Miss" still works as you get older, because you are about to Miss your chance at marriage. Hey-yo

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw You're welcome.
OakPoke Supporter+ I want Tim Walz to body slam Kamala and say "I'm taking over this ship." and she becomes the vp

RonGreen1 Women over 40 are called OG's. 😂

Qriist Supporter wench
OakPoke Supporter+ Ms. means either miss or mrs...crazy town

thrasybulus Lots of women maintain their name professionally, but not legally if they wait until later in life to marry.
OakPoke Supporter+ 1st grade teacher must have been a feminist. she was "Ms." but claimed to be married with a kid

JQuickDraw Supporter See, there's your problem, Beverly. You're being logical. You can either be logical or a feminist, but you have to choose one.

thrasybulus Kids do often think women are married when they get old enough.

Qriist Supporter Be a man, Beverly, take Todd's last name.

thrasybulus Mrs means married. Only certain cultures change last name.

Qriist Supporter Leave him stranded with just his first name, doomed to obscurity. Like Elvis.

thrasybulus @Qriist His first name is The, last name Ginger.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Van Dyke" means that one of his ancestors ran over a butch lesbian with a van.
OakPoke Supporter+ Of dyke
OakPoke Supporter+ Dick of dyke

Qriist Supporter so he's a lesbian slayer
OakPoke Supporter+ Hermon Van Rumpie, who has the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low grade bank clerk.
OakPoke Supporter+ Women not changing their last name should probably be stoned or tossed into the stocks

thrasybulus Van is a Dutch thing, like German von. Often a title of nobility in origin in german, not sure about dutch.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think the man should take the woman's surname and the woman should take the man's surname. Fuck you, future genealogists.

Qriist Supporter Beverly J. Plop

RonGreen1 I knew a lady that kept her maiden name, because she did not want to be Sherry Berry.
OakPoke Supporter+ great name

JQuickDraw Supporter "Beverly J Clark" sounds like you're a member of the Wyld Stallyns. "Beverly J Clark, Esquire."

thrasybulus Know a guy who's first and second grade teachers got married and changed their names midyear. No confusion occurred at all.
OakPoke Supporter+ 1 of our freshmen football coaches married the spanish teacher. She changed her name.
OakPoke Supporter+ They're shouting Alex in bed.

thrasybulus Maybe they are making a statement. Al licks! Al licks!

thrasybulus It's a Vagina Fact: Al licks!
OakPoke Supporter+ I would be offended if she didn't want to take my name.
OakPoke Supporter+ Giant eagle sounds cool

Qriist Supporter I have a bagel with cream cheese. Fuck you future dieticians.

thrasybulus @ClarkNotKent I'm pretty sure there are other Clarks out there that can pass on the name.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, you're also a POC, and a woman. You can safely correct most people. You have more oppression points than most people.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Oakpoke: What if her name is Giant Eagle?
OakPoke Supporter+ Arm wrestle for t
OakPoke Supporter+ it
OakPoke Supporter+ lol

purpletiger69 My sister did not take her husband's last name now they are divorced.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ My sister didnt take her husbands last name. They just had a kid
OakPoke Supporter+ I think if the guy takes the female's name,he has a bad last name or he is trying to tell people he's gay

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Idubbs took his wife's last name cuz he hates his dad

thrasybulus Anybody know someone in their life whose marriage has lasted at least 10 years and not divorce where the woman didn't take the name? Can't think of one.

RonGreen1 My first wife didn't take my name, but she did take my wallet. 😂

purpletiger69 @oakpoke what if his last name is Gay. LOL
OakPoke Supporter+ My entire life i've rolled my eyes if someone has 2 last names...i just assume the parents are idiots...
OakPoke Supporter+ @thrasybulus Good question

thrasybulus Passports weren't a thing until like the 1800s.
OakPoke Supporter+ @YourFriendPawl Isn't dubbz some kind of a weird cuck and snipped his parts or?

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ His wife runs his career poorly

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Idk about being a cuck or the other thing
OakPoke Supporter+ k

thrasybulus Like no country issued passports until the 1800s.

RonGreen1 If you like your name, you can keep your name. - Barack Obama
OakPoke Supporter+ 2 buddies mother's kept their husband's name post divorce...hassle i guess.

thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades I can't think of a divorce in my circle where she took the name, the divorces are all didn't take the name.

thrasybulus Didn't think about it until now.

Qriist Supporter so that's why women like bondage so much

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Problem is, those intact marriages are an ongoing experiment. If one of them dies while married, then their marriage counts; if they divorce in their 70s, it doesn't.
OakPoke Supporter+ They could be greek and have half a dozen last names...

RonGreen1 Women need an anchor. A heavy one so they can dispose of the body. 🤣

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Fair, but I said at least ten years. A bit arbitrary, but I went with it.
OakPoke Supporter+ This is a Greek's real last name.. Patroklos Androulakis Korakakis

Qriist Supporter Addams?

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator You would have to account for other variables. What age they got married, religious differences, etc.
OakPoke Supporter+ My great grandmother said my grandfather's wedding wasn't a real wedding because he (catholic) married a protestant.

thrasybulus Is the correlation the causation or a symptom of the underlying cause?

thrasybulus Changing the last name was an English thing originally.

Qriist Supporter Beverly's been living a sinner's life. tsk tsk tsk.

thrasybulus @Qriist She's been defiled. You grab the shotgun, I'll call the preacher to be ready for us.

Qriist Supporter @thr

JQuickDraw Supporter My sister and her boyfriend have been together for 20 years, and have a kid, but are not officially married. I look at them like the ideal anarchist's setup, "married" but no gov involvement.

JQuickDraw Supporter "I love you, honey. What's mine is yours." "Umm, don't you owe like a bajillion dollars in loans?" "True love, honey. True love."

thrasybulus Anne Fadiman in her book Ex Libris describes making the ultimate commitment. After being together 10 years, marriage, kids, and a home, they finally decided to merge their libraries.

thrasybulus Culture is society's answers to questions we forget used to exist.

Qriist Supporter Monkey pox says hello.

thrasybulus Gay men still spread disease at higher rates for multiple reasons.
OakPoke Supporter+ having hyphenated last names or not following traditions does signal that you're not traditional to the rest of society...It's a red flag for me, and i can't be the only one
OakPoke Supporter+ It's not exactly about the name as much as it is about tradition I suppose.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Mostly because they're foregoing condoms, which would be the "not being smart" thing I talked about.
OakPoke Supporter+ I think a third of the first child born was a bit early, not quite 9 months, in the past

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Anal sex sans condom increases the chance of disease no matter the sex of the participants.
OakPoke Supporter+ shotgun weddings weren't at all uncommon in the past

thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades Also the faxt it's easier for gay men to have sex with more partners.

thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades Also the rate of straight to gay is like 7 to 1. Every gay who gets a disease requires 7 straight men for equivalant rates.

Qriist Supporter It's a flag to me because that's usually part of the "she's fucking psycho" package. Pattern recognition, that's all.
OakPoke Supporter+ It's not so much the tradition as it is keeping within societal norms.

Qriist Supporter My banana is quite shocking, thank you very much.

thrasybulus It would be a flag for me a woman didn't want to take my last name because it would indicate a lack of desire to be with me.

JQuickDraw Supporter "slavery would still exist." Me: "Go on."
OakPoke Supporter+ oops clicked away
OakPoke Supporter+ lmao jquick
OakPoke Supporter+ Goth vs sun dress vs aerobics champion

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator What if taking the man's last name isn't her culture?
OakPoke Supporter+ I think it's disrespectful to your husband or future husband, because most men are going to think "she didn't take his name...oh"
OakPoke Supporter+ unless that doesn't bother you.

thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades Flag and dealbreaker are not the same thing.
OakPoke Supporter+ SHotgun weddings do happen sure, i just meant that way back when, i think nearly a third, maybe it was 1/5 of the marriages were shotgun weddings because the gal was prego

Qriist Supporter Flags are not dealbreakers. They simply raise questions worth investigating.
OakPoke Supporter+ It's more of a "male" take than a conservative take
OakPoke Supporter+ to be clear...
OakPoke Supporter+ we need to start steeling last names again. meet a nice person, take a train west and assume their identity
OakPoke Supporter+ Name is Earp, Wyatt

thrasybulus I would be fine with a woman who was say Icelandic who wanted to remain Freya Odinsdottor because of a cultural difference, but culturally English/American, it's a flag.
OakPoke Supporter+ Alex took his name though. 👍

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe your surname is just atrocious, like "Poopensniffer" or "Faggiola."
OakPoke Supporter+ @thrasybulus great names btw
OakPoke Supporter+ I have a cat named freya or freja...female

JQuickDraw Supporter To be completely fair, you should write a program to randomly jumble together all the letters of both surnames into a new surname, and you both use the new one going forward.
OakPoke Supporter+ If changing your last name is meaningless then why not do it and why make a fuss?
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw Sounds like Terry something's operating system that had the random thing a ma jig

Qriist Supporter I like deadnaming my married friends though

thrasybulus @OakPoke I tried to come up with an appropriately Icelandic name.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Because it is a hassle. If it's meaningless, then the guys could do it. lol
OakPoke Supporter+ Greatn ame

thrasybulus Go to Thailand. Kids sell cheap.
OakPoke Supporter+ Alex I gave you real reasons...most people are going to think "oh, didn't take his name...I see" or "ah huh, hyphenated last name...uh huh"...that right there is a reason
OakPoke Supporter+ not to do it
OakPoke Supporter+ @thrasybulus I like the name. Ragnar, raven, lots of the names

Qriist Supporter love the name Ragnar

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey, if you can strive for a world where cannibalism is an acceptable lifestyle, then I can hope for a slavery friendly world.
OakPoke Supporter+ Not taking his last name IS SOCIAL SIGNALLING lmao
OakPoke Supporter+ oh well it doenst matter

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I just said both are social signaling. I'm saying don't make a decision based on social signaling.

JQuickDraw Supporter If I had to choose between taking my last name and, oh, I don't know, regular emotional and physical intimacy, I think the name thing would not even rate consideration lol.

thrasybulus @Ladies I was more your position when I was younger, but as I pay attention to more longer term value choices, Less in agreement as I evaluate, reeval, reeval, etc.

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke sometimes one's own values might align in a way that accidentally social signals in a way that's unintended. It's okay to not care.

JQuickDraw Supporter Realistically, a partner who doesn't expect a massive diamond as some sort of ransom for her commitment is way more important than the name thing.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think just keeping your own surnames is okay, but the hyphenation thing is retarded.
OakPoke Supporter+ @Qriist It's ok to not care, but people often do car, or can at least be told of consequences
OakPoke Supporter+ well but yeah it doesn't really matter

Qriist Supporter I have long hair, have an annoyingly whiny voice, and live in DC. So OBVIOUSLY I'm a tranny - because that's what the people here have been conditioned to expect. It's not worth the energy to correct.

Qriist Supporter (One notable exception being my doctor... snuff THAT bullshit right the fuck out.)

JQuickDraw Supporter I think the actual divorce rate is like the actual unemployment rate - much much higher than we are led to believe. There are much deeper issues with long-term relationships than surnames.

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw I agree.

thrasybulus @Qriist The kilts dont help no matter how scottish you are.
OakPoke Supporter+ AGree. I see surnames as part of it. It's not the surnames but the marxist breaking down of every tradition. The attack on society

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I agree, JQuickDraw.
OakPoke Supporter+ We have deep societal issues. At leaste we can agree about that.
OakPoke Supporter+ I can't go to sleep. Someone is wrong on the internet.

Qriist Supporter Montana Standard Time.
OakPoke Supporter+ Mizzoula
OakPoke Supporter+ Orange is more threatening than yellow

JQuickDraw Supporter "Man Fountain Time" is something COMPLETELY different.

thrasybulus Red flag means hugh risk.

Qriist Supporter taupe flag
OakPoke Supporter+ Red flag doesn't mean deal breaker to me, but it's...It's like a serious flag to consider..
OakPoke Supporter+ yes @thrasy

JQuickDraw Supporter Ooohh, red FLAG. That's not nearly as bad as I thought it was.

Qriist Supporter Beverly, topical:

thrasybulus Black flag is deal breaker.

JQuickDraw Supporter Red means stop? Hmmm. I think I need to go push my car into the river. brb
OakPoke Supporter+ What about orange flag or green?
OakPoke Supporter+ Women want guys to take the trash out all the way to the can...we need to question this tradition
OakPoke Supporter+ @Alex the guy might be social signalling how aloof he is and doesn't at all care....might change his tune when it counts
OakPoke Supporter+ Odin'sdaugher sounds like a great surname

thrasybulus Black flag traditionally meant no quarter. Red Flag surrender on worse terms, White Flag, surrender on good terms.
OakPoke Supporter+ She's taking his last name!!! It's another win for the fellas!!!

JQuickDraw Supporter Clenolds sounds like an STD.
The red flag / yellow flag talk reminded me of this all time classic 30 second clip

Qriist Supporter I don't *care* about the woman taking the last name, but the pattern recognition I referred to still generally holds.
OakPoke Supporter+ Qriist pretty much

Qriist Supporter Remember, you two are fairly atypical.

thrasybulus A women who is culturally English.American not wanting to take the name is an indicator to me of higher risk of divorce. That is not insignifigant to me.
OakPoke Supporter+ Taking the male's last name makes sense, tracking down the chldren. We need more shotgun weddings tbh
OakPoke Supporter+ @thrasybulus I bet that's the case but i don't have data on that
OakPoke Supporter+ Is it true that Asians struggle with the letter 'R'?

thrasybulus @OakPoke Their Engrish does occassionally have excess Ls.
OakPoke Supporter+ Me so solly :)
OakPoke Supporter+ Alex how much would it cost?
OakPoke Supporter+ ongoing...hmm

thrasybulus @OakPoke You ale folgiven.

RonGreen1 Alex is a high maintenance woman. When she has hair.
OakPoke Supporter+ @Beverly your Rupunzel hair is great. You can use it as rope in case of an emergency
OakPoke Supporter+ @thras lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Now I want AI to show us Beverly with short cropped hair and Alex with long long hair lol.

thrasybulus Shorthair is for cats.
OakPoke Supporter+ Exactly @JQuick

thrasybulus Large costume jewel ring.
OakPoke Supporter+ Clark is a good surname. I dated one for a couple years. Wonder if any relation.

thrasybulus @OakPoke Everyone is related if you go back far enough.
OakPoke Supporter+ Quite a bit right

JQuickDraw Supporter Woke people would be so confused in the 80s, with metal heads and hair bands and glam metal.

thrasybulus I don't have low self-esteem, I have low esteem for everyone else. - Daria
OakPoke Supporter+ "I know I should say no, but it's kidna hard when she's ready to go."

JQuickDraw Supporter Ironically, communists can only be free to be communists in a free market capitalist society.

thrasybulus Slavery will always be in keeping with Islamic law.
OakPoke Supporter+ Slavery seems more caring than payday loans tbh. I get why they hated the carpet baggers.
OakPoke Supporter+ Look outside and see Racoons to the left pulling out trash and to the right it's alex climbing up to put trash away.

Qriist Supporter oh sure, you'll play the simp's video but not mine. :P
OakPoke Supporter+ Devito is correct, and Mac was wrong, but Mac as basing their threat level system off of homeland security lmao
OakPoke Supporter+ :p

JQuickDraw Supporter The issue with Marxists is they want to end all tradition. Some things need to go, but without any tradition at all, there is no foundation for the culture. This makes it easier to hijack and reshape.

thrasybulus The white/red/black flag code was for sieges. The military uses a flag code about exercise. Green/Yellow/Red/Black.

thrasybulus Feminit is a Red or Black Flag.

Qriist Supporter Alex is currently describing the correct use of the term "flag".
OakPoke Supporter+ You guys should have kids. You're tall and that's something you should pass down.

Qriist Supporter Clark Clark Clark Kent

Qriist Supporter I can't pay anymore and I don't know why 😅
OakPoke Supporter+ The Vikings were loaded down with redheads....probably a good thing

Qriist Supporter no, judging a flag's significance based on the individual's total behaviors.

JQuickDraw Supporter We should start saying "LGBTQ+ flag" instead of "red flag." It's a scarier flag for me.
OakPoke Supporter+ That is a scary flag

JQuickDraw Supporter You need to set up a third stream for arguing societal topics lol.

Qriist Supporter Mauve flag.

Qriist Supporter LGBTQ+ flag = Mauve flag
OakPoke Supporter+ True if a gal says "she her" that's a red flag stop....not just to worry, that's a full stop walk away

thrasybulus @Ladies Maybe someday you'll realize you were wrong.

thrasybulus Rainbow flag is wotse than black flag.

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke that's a MAN, baby

Qriist Supporter *cue Austin Powers*

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist lol you made me think of the Crazy/Hot Matrix. "You're telling me you met a girl who's a 9 hot and a 2 or 3 crazy? Be careful, that's a tranny. You're talking to a dude."
OakPoke Supporter+ Exactly Qriist

Qriist Supporter "This is the way you should murder" -Alex, 2024

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw updating my NPC software with that, here's an updoot

Qriist Supporter 🔺

JQuickDraw Supporter precedent

Qriist Supporter supposed to emulate the reddit arrow (updoot)

Qriist Supporter

Qriist Supporter I also like being naked.

Qriist Supporter Wait what was the topic?

thrasybulus I think the rights are not just individual. Thet are individual and collective rights as well as individual and collective responsibilities.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator We're not collectivists.

JQuickDraw Supporter Shiny Keys Beverly. "It's more than 30 seconds? Oh fine, I'll watch it. Maybe."

Qriist Supporter I think the audio was late 90s

JQuickDraw Supporter I feel like that was an outtake from a Jeff Foxworthy show lol.

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw Bob and Tom show

Qriist Supporter it's a daily radio show

Qriist Supporter lots of comedy stuff

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist That makes sense. It sounds like an old school radio show.

JQuickDraw Supporter Collective rights = tyranny. It's essentially pure democracy.

Qriist Supporter ah derped

JQuickDraw Supporter "Collective Rights" is like "Social Contract"

Qriist Supporter they've been on for literal decades
OakPoke Supporter+ just goint to listen so logging out. Gn ladies and chat
OakPoke Supporter+ Ben stiller, more like aids stiller

Qriist Supporter airing since 1983, it looks like

thrasybulus National Defense is a collective responsibility. Home defense an individual responsibility.

JQuickDraw Supporter National defense as the founders envisioned it is a pyramidal structure built up from home defense. They didn't want a standing army, just an armed populace that would protect the nation.

thrasybulus I have the right free speech. We have the right as a group to free speech.

Qriist Supporter "Bring back the wild west" -Beverly, 2024's campaign slogan

JQuickDraw Supporter Groups are just individuals. Those individuals have natural rights. Groups are a concept.

thrasybulus We have a draft. Males are required to register. We're just not calling anyone to serve.

Qriist Supporter That's incorrect Alex.

JQuickDraw Supporter The draft is unamerican, antithetical to the ideals in the DOI and constitution.

Qriist Supporter Nobles and lords would often raise personal armies, and sometimes auxiliary armies, but England has had a standing army for a very long time.

Qriist Supporter redcoat = english = part of england's army

Qriist Supporter I'll be skipping tomorrow to avoid spoilers

JQuickDraw Supporter The founders didn't want the new country to become entangled in bloody empire-building wars. They wanted trade with all, war with none.

thrasybulus England kept a small standing army traditionally which rhey would expand as needed.

Qriist Supporter Someone go donate money to me so I can watch.

Qriist Supporter I come repeatedly.

Qriist Supporter the theater I can walk to is like $25

JQuickDraw Supporter If you count the late start, the initial animal talk, and the numerous tangents, you should not be dealing with the third movie until sometime around 3am.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist $25? For one movie? Does that come with a happy ending?

Qriist Supporter pretty much every screen is imax or laser whatever

JQuickDraw Supporter For $25, I want pretentious unemployed theater actors to perform the movie for me.

Qriist Supporter $18.09 before tax

Qriist Supporter someone spot me a 50 so I can popcorn lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter Not all white women are Karens, but most Karens are white women.

Qriist Supporter I agree with getting women out of everything.

Qriist Supporter Get the fuuuuck off my stream, Beverly.

Qriist Supporter @jq

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw yup

thrasybulus Note they don't mention nonfiction.

Qriist Supporter night all!

JQuickDraw Supporter Excessively long streams are a sign of not taking your partner's surname. Just saying.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Hahahahaha.

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