God Dreams: Why Source is EVERYTHING!

6 months ago

As you probably know, I believe that all dreams come from God. Many people wonder why that even matters. I will tell you why. Because it's absolutely everything. If you can trust a source, if you hear a rumor, if you hear gossip, or if you're in law enforcement and you have a confidential informant, what if that person is a liar? What if you're like, that person is the enemy and they want to do you harm? What if that comes from, like, your own soul? Or is it a mixture? Or it's somebody who is a drug-crazed, emotional, crazy person that you can never trust what they say, versus what if the Creator of the Universe wanted to tell you something and He did it in such a way to weave together a story related to your past events and things that have happened in your life? Current events, history, movies, books and all of that? How important would it be that you opened that envelope and that you read that message? It's everything to know. It'll change your life to know that dreams come from God.

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