Jesus says... Listen America, Obama shall lead you, he is My Will and Judgment 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

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Listen, America, this say I, the Lord your God…
Obama shall lead you, he is My Will & Judgment

March 7, 2008 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord to the United States… Obama shall lead you. And by him shall My will and judgment against your nation be fulfilled, for all its forsaking of Me and My Israel…

And so I have brought from among your enemy even one from Ishmael, to rule over you for a time and a season, foreordained, until that foretold is accomplished and the king of fierce countenance rules.

Then, by that deception conceived of by your enemy and this transgressor, him being full of lofty and elevated words, lies and dark speeches sold as hope, will it return against him ten-fold of the same, by him called Perdition.

Yet remember this… Nothing exists outside of Me, says The Lord, neither does anything continue outside My will; for even the evil of this present world is set within the confines of My will. For evil acts and brings forth of its own, yet is unaware that nothing is hidden before Me; neither has anything come to pass, nor will be, that I have not already beheld…

And this, O arrogant and deceived generation, is why I said… „All was written and completed, even before the foundation of the world.“

For I am God! THE GOD!… The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob!… The God of all!… Even of all that is known and unknown, The Creator of all things… The Everlasting, who is from everlasting to everlasting… I AM.

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