Prophecies of the End-Time: The Conquering King is Coming SOON

7 months ago

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In this comprehensive video, we delve into the profound and sobering subject of end-time prophecy, examining current world events through the lens of the Bible to understand where we are on the timeline leading to the return of Jesus Christ. This discussion touches on the modern fears of global catastrophe, nuclear war, and natural disasters, as well as the hope offered by biblical prophecy.

Turning to the Bible, Mr. Ames explains that these fears are not unfounded; they are, in fact, anticipated in scripture. Jesus Christ, in Matthew 24:21-22, warns of a coming period known as the Great Tribulation—a time of unparalleled suffering and chaos that will surpass anything the world has ever experienced. This period will be so severe that, if it were not cut short, no human life would survive. However, the prophecy also provides a glimmer of hope, indicating that for the sake of the elect—God’s chosen people—those days will be shortened, and humanity will be spared from total annihilation.

Mr. Ames outlines three major prophetic milestones that will unfold in the lead-up to Christ’s return: the Great Tribulation, Heavenly Signs, and the Day of the Lord. These events will occur over approximately 3 1/2 years and are extensively detailed across more than 30 biblical prophecies. Understanding these events is crucial for anyone seeking to comprehend God’s plan for the end times and the ultimate hope for salvation.

The Day of the Lord is described as a yearlong period of divine wrath and judgment upon a world that has rejected God’s laws and chosen the path of rebellion and wickedness. This period will be marked by cosmic disturbances—such as the sun turning black, the moon becoming blood-red, and stars falling from the sky—signifying the severity of the judgments that will be unleashed. Revelation 6:12-17 describes these signs in vivid detail, portraying a world shaken to its core as the heavens are rolled up like a scroll and every mountain and island is moved out of its place.

These Heavenly Signs will serve as a global wake-up call, signaling that the end is near and that God’s judgment is imminent. The Day of the Lord will culminate in the Seventh Trumpet, as described in Revelation 11:15, which will announce the transfer of all earthly kingdoms to the rule of Jesus Christ, who will reign forever. This momentous event will signal the end of human misrule and the beginning of God’s direct governance over the Earth.

Mr. Ames explains that at the sound of the last trumpet, the dead in Christ will rise first, followed by the transformation of living believers, who will be changed in an instant from mortal to immortal. These resurrected saints will join Christ in the air, meeting Him on the Sea of Glass, where they will participate in the marriage of the Lamb—a symbolic union of Christ with His faithful followers.

Viewers are urged to take these prophecies seriously and to prepare spiritually for the coming Kingdom of God. Jesus emphasized the importance of watching for the signs of His return and remaining vigilant in prayer (Matthew 24:42-44, Luke 21:36). This preparation involves not only understanding the prophetic milestones but also living a life that is aligned with God’s will, seeking His righteousness, and striving to be counted among those who will be protected during the end times.

Mr. Ames also highlights specific signs that we should be watching for, such as the reestablishment of animal sacrifices in Jerusalem and the appearance of the Abomination of Desolation—an event prophesied by both Daniel and Jesus, which will signal the final countdown to Christ’s return. The Jews have not offered animal sacrifices since the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70, but the prophecy indicates that these sacrifices will resume, and their cessation will mark the beginning of the last phase before the return of Christ.

Questions that this video will answer.
1. What are the prophetic signs leading up to the return of Christ?

2. How close are we to a global catastrophe according to Bible prophecy?

3. What is the significance of the Doomsday Clock being set to 90 seconds before midnight?

4. How do current world events align with the prophecies in Matthew 24 and Revelation?

5. What role do the Great Tribulation, Heavenly Signs, and the Day of the Lord play in end-time prophecy?

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