Noa Argamani Clip Were ALL The Oct 7th Bodycam Vids With Clouds Pre-Recorded & FRAUDS?? PT2

1 month ago

Noa Argamani Clip Were ALL The Oct 7th Bodycam Vids With Clouds Pre-Recorded & FRAUDS?? PT2 Side by Side Comparisons

Was oct 7th mostly blue skies with hardly any clouds? or a sky with many clouds? Remember only one can be correct.. Either the 7th and most importantly the morning of the 7th was mostly blue skies with hardly any clouds (<8%), or was it a sky with many clouds. Both cant be correct at the same time. Will the real oct 7th please stand up....

CLIPS FROM >>>> Were ALL The Oct 7th Bodycam Vids With Clouds Pre-Recorded & FRAUDS?? PT2 side by side comparisons

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LINK FINAL COMPLETE5 pt1 Israel Gaza War RARE Nova Music Festival & Kibbutz Hamas Attacks Footage >>>

LINK Previous 3hr vid - Israel Gaza War Clouds Clouds Clouds oh my PT3 RARE Nova Music Party Festival & Kibbutz Attacks Footage >>>

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