Christians Are Being Sacrificed Daily By the Deep State

5 months ago

War is entertainment, money and a proper sacrifice to the deep state's god, our devil. There is a simple explanation as to why the reasons that nations go to war are vague. It’s because wars are predetermined conflicts by the deep state for 1000 years now. The old testament states that Jesus Christ will end wars and that nation will not fight against nation. This is true, nations haven't, it’s the deep state picking which team should fight who depending upon how many Christians are within a country to maximize the amount of sacrifices to their god.



Follow my Vigilant Bible rumble channel for a proper translation of the Holy Bible

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a free PDF book Identifying passages in the Deep State's "holy" scripture. Apparently it was originally written in 1892 but was finished publishing in 1939.

LXX Septuagint on amazon

LXX Septuagint on the Lexham website.

If you need help finding a good translation of the bible and the VB hasn’t been fully translated yet, then consider a Septuagint. Most orthodox Christians and Catholics use a Septuagint rather than an NIV or a KJV. Always look at genesis chapter 4:9… most bible translations are inaccurate and read “am I my brother’s keeper?”. The verse translated properly actually means “I’m not my brother’s guardian, am I?” The term used for guardian is “keep” as in a “castle keep”… it means “to guard”. “Keeper” alludes to some form of slave ownership, with which, is inaccurate.

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