Beautiful Collision Part 4

7 months ago

Working three jobs to make ends meet, Shamoir turns away lucrative job opportunities to go to school for ministry. Alexcia fights off family comments calling him a bum. The sacrifice brings joy as Shamoir and Alexcia have opportunities to tell others the lifesaving message of the love of God and salvation in Christ.

Our life is just riddled with brokenness, with chaos. – Shamoir

I was struggling with the idea of embracing a child that wasn’t mine. I felt conviction. – Shamoir

Love is not pain. Love does not hurt. It is a choice to sacrifice for someone else. – Alexcia

I was in a really hard place spiritually. – Shamoir
People were calling me a bum! – Shamoir

He does have a real job. – Alexcia

I am just in awe of the way the Lord moves that no one can ever tell me He is not real. - Alexcia

To watch from where he came from to where he is now is nothing but a God thing. It is beautiful to see. – Alexcia

It’s not perfect, but we share the same values. We have the same worldview. Ultimately, I believe, that is because of the unity that is provided to us in our respective relationships with Christ and also, our collective relationships with Christ. – Shamoir

There were things we did not see eye to eye on, but we were able to speak about it in a constructive way. – Shamoir

I think we both fill a void of the instability in regard to not having a father to trust and not having a mother to trust. So when we came together there was a hurdle to overcome initially. – Alexcia

We are just serving in the most obedient way that we can even though it is hard, even though it gets ugly. It’s rough. Even on this floor we were sprawled out, crying out to the Lord saying where do you want us to go? What do you want us to do? The Lord always just opens up another door for us to love on people and show them who He is. - Alexcia

Any affliction I went through in my life was healed the moment I surrendered my life at the cross. - Shamoir

While growing up comfortably, Alexcia's religion was her skin color. Shamoir grew up surrounded by drugs and gangs. Now ministering to others and raising three daughters, their journey has been filled with life altering miracles.

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