2 Chinese Arrested in Texas With $250,000 Worth of Gold

4 months ago

08/05/2024 Two illegal Chinese nationals arrested with $250,000 worth of gold bars in Texas last Thursday. They were charged with money laundering and now held in the Van Zandt County Jail in Texas. Immigration records show both men entered the U.S. illegally through California last December.
#Chineseillegalimmigrants #MoneyLaundering #GoldBars #USMilitaryBase
08/05/2024 上周四(8月1日),两名非法入境(美国)的中国公民在德克萨斯州被捕,他们携带有价值约25万美元的金条。他们被控犯有洗钱罪,目前被关押在德州的范赞特县监狱。移民记录显示,这两名男子于去年12月通过加利福尼亚州非法入境美国。
#中国非法移民 #洗钱 #金条 #美军基地

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