Dedunking Lies About Colonization! Lie-Abetes #2

6 months ago

But of course, and right on schedule the Dedunking Channel, in a lame attempt to hide the roots of his corrupt belief system 'Atlanteans and Hyper diffusion. Dan makes the false claim that Atlantis Hunting and Lost Civilization culture schemes originate in the 1800's.

Dedunking claims that hyper diffusion was invented in the 1800's. A simple look into the history books ( or remembering your 9-10th grade classes), provides us with a true answer and a revealing cover story. Atlantis and Lost Civilization hunting date back to Columbus, it has been the 'dark passenger' of Colonization since Europe became aware of the Americas. This video provides a brief historic overview of how Atlantis/Lost Civilization stories have been used to implement death and destruction around the world. Hyper-diffusionism is merely a modern word building on the chaos and destruction of the past.

This video is provided under the contract of civic duty, no money no patreon, ever.

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