Fear And then Act Qoute:andrew tate

1 month ago

"Don't be afraid to fail!"

Says the Ecom dork giving out shitty advice on how to also have a very average life.

If you do REAL things. There is REAL consequence to failure.

If you actually had the balls to enter the CAGE.

You should do so VERY much afraid to fail.

Some things must be taken absolutely seriously.

Fear is included in respect for an outcome.

If somebody aims to murder you, be afraid to fail.

Fear doesn't prevent action in a brave man. Only a coward.

Brave men use fear to heighten senses - then proceed ANYWAY.

Cowards scream "Don't be afraid!"

Because this is the only way they will ACT.

Ignoring the possibility of MASSIVE LOSS.

Heroes understand -


If you were more afraid of being average - you wouldn't be average.

You need MORE FEAR.

There are many things that are simply impossible to do without FEAR.

"Don't be afraid" is the same as "Don't do anything genuinely rewarding"

As reward is linked to risk.

I was afraid every time I fought.

But I am a world champion.

YOU are not.

Fear is useful.

Scared dogs bite.

- Tate

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