How To Walk In Love - 08/04/2024 | The How To...Series |

7 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

How To...Walk In Love - (Galatians 5.19-24)

I - What Is Walking In Love? - (Ephesians 5.1-2)

Walk (Greek) - Peripateite - To Go, Walk About, Be Occupied With
In Hebrew It Means "To Live"

(Deuteronomy 30.16)

4 Major Translations For Love In The Word Of God

1. Agape: Brotherly Love, Unconditional Love, or Divine Love
2. Eros: Sexual Love or Romantic Love
3. Philia: Friendly Love, Affection, or Fondness
4. Storge: Familial Affection, Typically Between Parents & Offspring

(John 3.16) (1 John 3.16) (1 John 4.8-9)

II - Why Is Love Important? - (1 Corinthians 13.1-8) (Mark12.29-31) (Galatians 5.14) (1 John 3.18)

III - How Do We Develop Love? - (Romans 5.8) (1 Corinthians 13.4-7)

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