Dealing With Emotions - Episode 19

6 months ago

On this weeks episode we discuss manly emotions. How to handle emotions as a man. Allowing our emotions to control us is not godly. Denying or vilifying our emotions is not godly, either. We should thank God for our ability to feel emotion and steward our emotions as a gift from God. The way to manage our emotions is to grow in our walk with God. We are transformed through the renewal of our minds Roman’s 12:1-2 and the power of the Holy Spirit—the One who produces in us self-control Galatians 5:23 We need daily input of scriptural principles, a desire to grow in the knowledge of God, and time spent meditating on God’s attributes. We should seek to know more of God and share more of our hearts with God through prayer. Christian fellowship is another important part of spiritual growth. We journey with fellow believers and help one another grow in faith as well as in emotional maturity.

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