Mass Depopulation Conspiracy

6 months ago

In the video contemporaneous accounts of the Black Death are read.

"...Black Death. It killed 200 million people in the 14th century". (Wired, "Black Death's Gene Code Cracked," Oct. 3, 2001) ⚰️🌌🦉

The Black Plague also known as Black Death: killed 90% of the population in Europe. It also wiped out 90% of Christians in Africa and the Middle East and Asia. It is important to note that contemporary historians gave their accounts of what caused these mass deaths (which is in stark contrast to pseudo-historians of modern times who rewrite history and promote the flatly absurd myth that rats and lack of hygiene just magically caused mass deaths even though there was never a rat infestation to begin with and; moreover the Christians in the Middle East and Asia and Africa and Europe were always hygienic). Contemporary chroniclers say that much of the water supply was in fact deliberately poisoned in an anti-Christian conspiracy of genocide.

The historian and Franciscan friar Herman Gigas (circa 1349 on 'Black Death'): "some say the Jews planned to wipe out all the Christians with poison and had poisoned wells and springs everywhere. ...Jews confessed...they...had obtained poison from overseas; and that not every Jew knew about this wickedness, only the more powerful ones, so that it would not be betrayed. ...bags full of poison were found in many wells and springs... God, the Lord of Vengeance, has not suffered the malice of the Jews to go unpunished. Throughout Germany, in all but a few places, they were burnt. For fear of that punishment many accepted baptism and their lives were spared. This action was taken against the Jews in 1349, and it still continues unabated, for in a number of regions many people, noble and humble alike, have laid plans against them and their defenders which they will never abandon until the whole Jewish race has been destroyed." (J. G. Meuschen (ed), Hermanni Gygantis, ordinis fratrum minorum, Flores Temporum seu Chronicon Universale ab Orbe condito ad annum Christi MCCCXLIX Leiden, 1750, pp. 138-9.) 🕯️🦁🔥🐆🔗⛓️

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