Sharing My Letters to Senator Marco Rubio

7 months ago

Please Support and Thank You!!


Hamas names Yahya Sinwar as chief following Ismail Haniyeh killing

Alhamdullilah, in my subconscious I wanted Brother Yahya Sinwar to be the leader, and Allah fulfilled my wish as I type all my hair stands nonstop!!

Sinwar really really knows Israel's habits/ culture etc. He learned to speak yiddish while in prison and understands their motives and thoughts. He will be a hard cookie to knibble at.

Nathan Thrall: ‘The scale and brutality of the Israeli response in Gaza hasn’t surprised me, no’

CBS Reporter HORRIFIED By Doctor's Account Of Israel's Brutality

"The WORST EVER Man-Made Humanitarian Disaster!" Gaza Health Crisis EXPOSED | Dr Mustafa Barghouti

Thank you for interviewing Dr Mustafa Barghouti. The terrible man-made situation by Israel is terrible to hear. Palestinians are suffering a heinous injustice. Palestinian journalists and medical staff, some tortured and murdered is unspeakable. When will some of the International Community stop being complicit by supplying weapons and their media servants diminishing and ignoring these war crimes?

After Tel Aviv, Another Israeli City 'Hit'; Houthi Ally Rains Fire, Vows To Increase Intensity

1 hour ago
Why do you say "Both Houthis and Iraqi resistance are backed by Iran." yet omit to say "Israel and the IDF are backed by the US, the UK and most of Europe"?

The Axis of Resistance are doing God's work to Stop the Genocide!!

UK Finally Stops Arms Sales To Israel


I will never understand how so many non-Palestinians fight so hard for Palestine.

As a Palestinian, I genuinely thank you.

We people from the Free World are people with conscience and we are children of God and we must not fail God to bring back JUSTICE in His Kingdom!!

Where did disinformation fuelling the UK far-right riots come from?

Israel with its DIRTY TRICKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

If I find out Channel 3 Now is actually run by ZIOs it wouldn't surprise me

Israel works in not-so-mysterious ways...

Chanel 3 now, has to be investigated, the ones responsible must be prosecuted


My 3rd Reply

4 April 2012

Dear Senator Rubio,

Thank you for your letter in regard to the Palestinians’ homeland. I hope you can take the time to read my reply to Senator Leahy on the Iran Nuclear issue. I have included the link:

You said, “As you may know, on June 28 the United States Senate approved by unanimous consent a Resolution (SRES 185) reaffirming our nation’s commitment to a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on direct negotiations between the two sides. Though it has proven to be an elusive goal, I am confident that long-lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians is achievable and that direct, bilateral negotiations between the sides offer the best hope of realizing it.”

Either all of you Senators fail to see or else you refuse to accept the fact that direct talks are close to impossible. I have painstakingly gathered evidence for your reference and have posted it on my blog for your review. I hope you can find the time to go through it with patience because it is highly needed if you are sincere in finding a solution to the conflict.

How can Israel get away with murder and the leaders of the world especially America just look on with indifference?

Hatred is in the Zionist's DNA

Israeli Extremists in America

The Jews are great bullies

A picture speaks a thousand words and these videos speak to Our Soul

I hope after going through these videos you are as concerned as I have become. If we fail to stop Netanyahu in what seems to be his strong desire to pre-emptively bomb Iran within these next six months, the consequences will be catastrophic. This is what I have written and believe; “Zionism has Destroyed PALESTINE and now it is on the march to destroy our One World if we fail to stop them from bombing Iran! I hope the world can count on all of you senators to give us the support we need to halt Israeli aggression.

Let’s bring America back where it belongs; “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”, because together we can stop the Zionists’ aggression and Unity is Strength.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: Senator Marco Rubio <>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Ms. Sun Wah,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me to express your concerns regarding the United States policy in the Middle East.

As you may know, on June 28 the United States Senate approved by unanimous consent a Resolution (SRES 185) reaffirming our nation’s commitment to a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on direct negotiations between the two sides. Additionally, SRES 185 states that efforts by the Palestinian Authority to circumvent direct negotiations demonstrate an absence of a good faith commitment to peace negotiations and will have implications for continued U.S. foreign aid to Palestinians.

Though it has proven to be an elusive goal, I am confident that long-lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians is achievable and that direct, bilateral negotiations between the sides offer the best hope of realizing it. Therefore, I am deeply concerned about efforts by the Palestinian leadership to seek unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations and its affiliated agencies. I do not consider these efforts to be in the best interest of the Palestinian people or conducive to the ultimate objective of two democratic states living side by side in peace and security.

As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, I will continue to carefully monitor our nation’s policy in the Middle East. I look forward to addressing the concerns of the people of Florida, and I will continue to work to ensure that the United States remains a safe and prosperous nation.


Marco Rubio
United States Senator


My 2nd Reply

1st March 2012

Dear Senator Rubio,

Thank you so much for your reply. I share the same sentiments as Sean Stone and salute his courage. He is a child of God, he seeks the truth and he will get it because the silent majority will slowly muster the courage to follow his footsteps to stop the bombing of Tehran. Stone on O’Reilly’s show also predicted that an Occupy Tehran movement akin to Occupy Wall Street is on its way, and he suggested that President Jimmy Carter be enlisted to help solve the problems in the Middle East. I hope Hollywood and your good self would also support this cause for a better and brighter world.

America must not rush into any military decision like what they had done in Iraq because regret will be too late. George Bush Jr was tricked by the ‘Jewish Hawks’ who had told him that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction and he went in without thinking of the consequences. The end result as we all had witnessed was a total disaster, especially for America!! The experience in Iraq had shown the Americans that they needed to have a rational mind. Please read what Robert Bird got to say on the preemptive strike on Iraq and I have taken the end paragraphs for your reading,

“As if that were not bad enough, members of Congress are reluctant to ask questions which are begging to be asked. How long will we occupy Iraq? We have already heard disputes on the number of troops, which will be needed to retain order. What is the truth? How costly will the occupation and rebuilding be? No one has given a straight answer. How will we afford this long-term massive commitment, fight terrorism at home, address a serious crisis in domestic healthcare, afford behemoth military spending, and give away billions in tax cuts amidst a deficit, which has climbed to over $340 billion for this year alone? If the President’s tax cut passes it will be $400 billion. We cower in the shadows while false statements proliferate. We accept soft answers and shaky explanations because to demand the truth is hard, unpopular, or may be politically costly.

But, I contend that, through it all, the people know.

The American people unfortunately are used to political shading, spin, and the usual chicanery they hear from public officials. They patiently tolerate it up to a point. But there is a line. It may seem to be drawn in invisible ink for a time, but eventually, it will appear in dark colors, tinged with anger.

When it comes to shedding American blood – – when it comes to wreaking havoc on civilians, innocent men, women, and children, callous dissembling is not acceptable. Nothing is worth that kind of lie – – not oil, not revenge, not re-election, not somebody’s grand pipedream of a democratic domino theory.

And mark my words, the calculated intimidation, which we see so often of late by the “powers that be” will only keep the loyal opposition quiet for just so long.

Because eventually, like it always does, the truth will emerge. And when it does, this house of cards, built of deceit, will fall.”

How high the cost America got to pay but on the other hand Israel came out without a scratch because they achieved their goal to get others to do their dirty work to bomb Iraq and one more less threat for them. Now they want history to repeat again because this time Iran is the threat. If you look at the Iraq war it looked kind of silly for America because the rest of the world was doing so well financially while you were and still are trying to keep the world safe meanwhile America is going downhill besides so many deaths of young soldiers. Ask yourself IS IT WORTH IT? If America is to go down it should go down on its own terms but not again to let others pull America down due to their insecurity and fear.

In an interview on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, this was what Mr. Brzezinski said, “We don’t need to go to war and we have to make that very clear to our Israeli friends. We’re not going to go to war. They’re not going to go to war by flying over our airspace over Iraq. We’re not going to support them. If they do it, they will be on their own. The consequences will be theirs, because the price we’ll all pay if they start a massive war, which the Iranians interpret as being done with our connivance, will be disastrous for us in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in terms of oil, stability in the Middle East more generally.”

The Israelis and Palestinians are the root cause of this world problem, thus the world would need to fix this problem first before the rest can be resolved. As long as America and the world delay the act of helping the Palestinian people to have a homeland, the world will not have peace, harmony, and unity. Senator Klobuchar said, “Compelling Iran to abandon its support for terrorism, promote the rights of its citizens, and terminate its nuclear enrichment program is critical to meeting the goal of long-term stability in the Middle East and around the world.” I don’t think this is the way the world sees it because as long as the Palestinian people still do not have a homeland, the prospects of long-term stability in the Middle East and around the world will remain bleak.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: Senator Marco Rubio <>
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 4:07 AM
Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Ms. Sun Wah,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me to express your concerns regarding the United States policy toward Iran.

For more than three decades, the Iranian regime has gained an international reputation for its dismal human rights record and its state sponsorship of terrorism. Equally disturbing is the deplorable anti-Semitic rhetoric from Iran’s President and the regime’s defiance of the international community in its pursuit of a nuclear program considered to be a precursor for acquiring nuclear weapons.

For these reasons, I have supported several measures to ensure the United States and our allies place crippling sanctions on Iran. On June 8th, 2011, I cosponsored the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Sanction Consolidation Act (S.1048) which would expand the sanctions on the Iranian government to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. Additionally, in August of 2011, I joined several of my Senate colleagues in urging the Administration to place U.S. financial sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran.

As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, I will keep your thoughts in mind as we continue to consider our nation’s policies toward Iran. I look forward to addressing the concerns of the people of Florida, and I will continue to work to ensure that the United States remains a safe and prosperous nation.


Marco Rubio
United States Senator


20 February 2012

Dear Senator Marco Rubio,

Today is World Harmony Day I have just written to President Obama with the hope that he can stop the Netanyahu government from bombing Iran and let diplomacy succeed because the world cannot afford another war.

Thanks for all your support.


Sunflower Chong


My Reply

18 January 2012

Dear Senator Marco Rubio,

I am so happy to receive your reply. May I take this opportunity to wish you a belated Happy New Year? With your support and that of your fellow senators, may the New Year bring great hope and joy to the Palestinian people and the realization of their wish for a homeland in Palestine.

So far I have received 18 letters from the Senators and I have replied to them all. To see my responses, please see:

You said, “I believe that Israel is a critical ally to the United States and a nation that plays a critical role in the Middle East. Our longstanding relationship with Israel is based on our common values and the importance of human rights to both the United States and Israel. I believe it is important that we continue to support Israel and work together to face the many challenges in the Middle East.”

I would have to beg to differ with you on “common values and the importance of human rights” between the US and Israel. It seems to me that Israel’s blockade, boarding a peaceful vessel from Turkey and the associated loss of life, and the treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza are hardly signs that Israel shares American values or holds the same level of importance for human rights.

Israel’s survival depends on a strong America and in no way should Israel jeopardize its relationship with America by not honoring the 1993 Peace Agreement signed in Oslo by then PM Yitzhak Rabin. Israel, in fact, could help America be stronger in the eyes of the world by allowing America to be a fair broker of peace. Unfortunately, this has not been the case, because if it was, the Palestinian people would have their homeland by now and we would not be having this conversation.

Maybe after you read Mr. Matthew Isaac Weiss comment on the Palestinian bid at the United Nation

Perhaps you can sympathize with the Palestinian plight for a homeland even more after reading it.

Many of us in the world are very disappointed by the lack of balanced and fair treatment for the Palestinians and their pursuit of their own homeland. To have a just world, America, and you, Senator, must lead the way. Please do anything within your power to help us all come together as One People and One World. We cannot allow the Israelis and Palestinians conflict to divide our beautiful world anymore.

The world prays that the Israelis will open their hearts for greater humanity and demonstrate their willingness to compromise. If you give love, you don’t need to be fearful because you will be rewarded with even greater LOVE.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: Senator Marco Rubio <>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 12:47 AM
Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Ms. Sun Wah,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me to express your concerns regarding the United States’ relationship with Israel. I’m grateful for your thoughts and for the opportunity to respond.

As your Senator, I am committed to hearing the concerns of the people of Florida. I believe that Israel is a critical ally to the United States and a nation that plays a critical role in the Middle East. Our longstanding relationship with Israel is based on our common values and the importance of human rights to both the United States and Israel. I believe it is important that we continue to support Israel and work together to face the many challenges in the Middle East.

As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, I will keep your thoughts and opinions in mind as I make decisions to maintain the United States’ leadership in the world.

I appreciate your opinions and I look forward to addressing the concerns of the people of Florida. I will work diligently to ensure that the United States remains a safe and prosperous nation.


Marco Rubio
United States Senator


3 December 2011

Dear Senator Marco Rubio,

I hope to get your support for this Petition for a Palestinian State.

The success of the “Arab Spring” tells us that a “Global Spring” is possible to achieve, too. And it can begin with nothing more than a click of your mouse supporting our petition. The Palestinian people need our support now more than ever, for a “Global Spring” to finally achieve a homeland for their people. To build a better world, everyone must care. We must have strong faith that we can build a better world for all.

On behalf of the Palestinian people, I thank you all very much for your support. Please spread the word.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong

Founder of

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