What Do Black Women Think Of “COUPMALA” Harris?

7 months ago

Welcome To Episode #69. My guests for are my friends Ms. Delores Reyes and Ms. Nicole Bennet. Both Black Republican Women.

Ms. Delores Reyes - Mrs. Delores Reyes is an entrepreneur, a landlord, an international host, a real estate investor and a Donald Trump supporter. She has been an elected official in the Montgomery County Republican Party Central Committee for over 10 years. Delores was a candidate on the Republican ticket in 2016, running for the office of “Register of Wills”. She is planning to run for County Council in Montgomery County soon.

Ms. Nicole Bennet - Nicole Bennett, is a National Director with the Black Conservative Federation, a member of Project 21 of the National Centers and the President of the Conservatives for Maryland PAC. She has served as a member, then Chairman of the Charles County Republican Central Committee, Chairman of the Maryland Black Republican Council and finally a 2 term 1st Vice Chairman of the MDGOP. She works as a healthcare Executive and leads a national organization of healthcare leaders.

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