Gospel Of John, Unplugged-The Enoch Connection, August 7, 2024

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Join Pastor Granny for an in-depth look at the Book of John – Unplugged from religious teachings and the connection it seems to have with the Book of Enoch. The more you know about who Jesus the more you will want to follow him – not because you have to – but because you desire to do so – Amen!

The order book of Enoch: https://amzn.to/4fDr3fJ

This is How Much song: https://youtu.be/kh4EzNIqje4?si=k0nqqaOxPrnjGKTo

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*Note: If you’re buying more than one you’ll need to check them out separately so you can get a $100 discount on each watch

To order Pastor Granny’s book, Healed From The Inside Out, click here: https://amzn.to/3zAtDlP

Music Download of Native Sounds of Heaven CD: https://amzn.to/3OjtxUw

HEALING OILS of the BIBLE: https://amzn.to/3ZPOpHm

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