Trump’s COVID Lockdowns & CARES Act Emergency Spending Started The Economic Crisis

5 months ago

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Trump’s COVID Lockdowns & CARES Act Emergency Spending Started The Economic Crisis - Biden & Kamala Are Finishing It

Frankly, we should probably trace this crisis back to Woodrow Wilson in 1913 and the establishment of a private banking cartel (The Federal Reserve) which has printed this nations currency into oblivion while funneling cold hard cash to the well-connected corporate, banking and government class for over 100 years.

Or perhaps it was Nixon going off the gold standard in 1971 which took the shackles off the FED and created the drunken sailor spending politicians of the 20th Century. We could also scrutinize the 2008 real estate collapse which introduced us to ‘too big to fail’ which bailed out Wall Street while screwing Main Street and finally the bubble bandaids and private equity schemes which have superficially inflated our economy ever since. It’s a lot.

The point is … this moment has been a long time coming, there are many culprits and there is NO easy way out. Simply labeling this ‘The Kamala Crash’ is lazy and superficial.

But a good start is the TRUTH. It will set us free and if we’re honest … it was COVID Lockdowns, the establishment of ‘essential vs. non-essential’ and a tidal wave of CARES Act debt spending that drove the final nail in the coffin and set us on the path to economic destruction.

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