Mandela Effect! 2024 IMEC Conference Coming up!

1 month ago

Join Candace for a brief reflection on some recent thoughts and the upcoming International Mandela Effect Conference.

The 4th annual International Mandela Effect Conference 2024!
November 7. Nashville, Tennessee. Please visit:

Partial Transcript
I wanted to share, share a couple things. So I've been thinking about Cynthia Sue Larson's tagline of how good can it get. And one of the reasons I've been thinking about that is the International Mandela Effect conference is coming up in November of this year. And it's going to be in Nashville, Tennessee, and it's going to start on November 7.

Now, we are having a presidential and other government official election on November 5, and anybody who's paying attention, even the slightest bit, knows that this is already a chaotic year. In terms of that, and that week, no, there's gonna be a lot of energy in that week. It's a very interesting energy portal to gather with like-minded people and possibly ride some chaos into some, some good to positive timelines. So here's hickory, Hickory, he's like, sitting in a chair, just like there's usually not a chair here. I know. But I brought one today hickory.

So I wanted to talk about that for a minute. First of all, I think Tom and I are, well, we're talking about that idea of going anyway, it's in our realm of possibility we're talking about going and it would be fantastic to meet up with some other quantum healers and some other people from from this space to meet up in a place during that week to help create a positive timeline. And as I was thinking about creating positive timelines, I want to tell you a little bit about my day yesterday. Now yesterday was the opening ceremony for the Olympic Games. And I think it knew already the flies. I didn't watch them.

Yeah, I didn't watch them. I didn't watch them. But I heard about them. And you know, there's a well a lot of different ways to think about some of that symbolism isn't there. And there were some other things in the news that were chaotic and divisive and not fantastic.

And I have a lot of things going on as always in my life. And that I was thinking all day long of Cynthia Sue’s line, How good can it get? And when anything would capture my attention during the day? I was thinking, well, how good can I get? How good can it get? And one of the things I was doing was working on fixing up dad's house my childhood home and doing that for a few reasons. But one is we're getting ready for the beyond quantum healing be QH immersion class in, in October, right, which is just before this Mandela Effect conference, and I've got some paint and some other things going. And it's starting to add up the costs, of course, you know, the material costs and, and fixing the plumbing and lots of that and, you know, watching the bank accounts dwindle. And still, and still thinking about how good can it get. And then this thing happened last night, right before bed. We were opening the days mail. And in the days mail was a strange looking envelope had my dad's name on it.

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*About Candace Craw-Goldman*
Candace Craw-Goldman is a wife, mom and grandmother, a healer, a dreamer and a writer of magical things. She is the creator of _Beyond Quantum Healing_ and _Quantum Connect_ – modalities that explore, expand and elevate our human consciousness. She is the founder of, a GURU-free community of Healers and way showers. is a multi-platform of support and services for practitioners that includes a world-wide public directory, censorship-FREE support forum and quantum healing courses for healers of ALL kinds. Candace began her healer’s journey as Dolores Cannon’s teaching assistant and created Dolores’ Original QHHT Support Forum in 2008.

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