Operation Mockingbird. 7 Minute Documentary.

1 month ago

7 Minute video on Cia operation Mockingbird.

President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996. That monstrous assault on democracy, with malignant consequences for journalism, was nothing but a welfare giveaway to the largest, richest, and most powerful media conglomerations in the world.

In 1950, most of America's news media were owned by 60 different companies. Today, they're owned by just six. But it's starving America of real news and debate at a time when issues of the utmost seriousness confront our country and our planet.

Operation Mockingbird never ended.

It simply went underground, adapting to the times, and has now wormed its way into the heart of our so-called "free" media.

The CIA's tentacles have tightened their grip on the information pipelines, turning journalists into puppets and editors into marionettes. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either blind or complicit in this grand charade.

Today’s media landscape is a battlefield, and you are the target.

The advent of social media and the internet has only provided new weapons for this war on truth. Influencers, algorithms, and echo chambers—these are the modern-day operatives of a program that never truly died.

The illusion of choice is perhaps the most insidious aspect of this modern Mockingbird. You think you’re picking your news sources, but they’re picking you, feeding you curated lies and half-truths that serve the establishment’s agenda.

The cozy relationship between government, corporations, and media giants is not just problematic; it’s a dystopian nightmare.

Mega-corporations with intelligence agency connections dominate the digital sphere, ensuring that dissent is drowned out by a cacophony of controlled narratives. Whistleblowers and truth-tellers are vilified, silenced, or worse, while the masses are spoon-fed comforting lies.

Operation Mockingbird is not just a relic of the Cold War—it’s a blueprint for our current media matrix.

The lines between truth and propaganda have never been blurrier, and the average citizen is left to sift through the debris of manufactured consent. The stakes are higher now than ever. The manipulation is more sophisticated, the tools more advanced, and the control more pervasive.

Your only defense is relentless skepticism—practicing true independence is key.

Question everything, trust nothing, and seek the truth even if it means wading through a swamp of deceit. In an era where grand narratives are crumbling and truth is a rare commodity, your personal quest for authenticity is the ultimate act of rebellion.

The specter of Operation Mockingbird is a bleak reminder: the war for your mind is ongoing, and vigilance is your only weapon.

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