Mountain Goat Took a Whizz on My car

6 months ago

Occurred on August 5, 2024 / Idaho Springs, Colorado, USA

Info from Licensor: "My sister, friend, and I drove up to Mt. Evans (14,000 foot mountain in Colorado) to watch the sunrise. As we were walking down from the peak, we saw multiple mountain goats licking our car in the parking lot for some reason. We approached closer and started taking pictures and videos when all of a sudden 2 of them had jumped up on the hood of my car! Immediately, one of the goats starts peeing and I (along with my sister, friend, and a couple other strangers in the parking lot) were baffled at how random and disgusting this was! I was afraid they were going to shatter my windshield so I was trying to scare them off, but they would not move. This lasted about 4 minutes until they finally jumped off and we immediately drove away laughing."

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