DAYS GONE - Deacon brings Boozer to an O'Brian operation.

1 month ago

O'Brian contacts Deacon for a job although this time O'Brian has some information about Sarah and says her second name. Deacon decides to do this for O'Brian, On his way out he meet with Boozer and bring him along. After the operation O'Brian meets with Deacon and brings with him a paper where it says that Sarah was in fact safe from the stab wound. But every hope of Sarah being alive was destroyed when O'Brian said that that refugee camp was also overrun by Freakers. Deacon went to regroup with Boozer but he wasn't there.
Boozer ran into a pack of Rippers hunting healthy dogs.
Like old times Deacon and Boozer got rid of a bunch of Rippers.
Deacon decide to go to the church where Sarah and him got married, And finds a bunch of Marauders desecrating the place. After a long battle he managed to kill them.

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