A Forest Manager’s Perspective on Dead Trees, Mushrooms, and Forgotten Fencing

7 months ago

This video starts of with a nice looking mushroom fruiting body that was discovered while working in the forest, but lead me to being able to share some insight on how to read the landscape for forest management work when it comes to forester safety. On this property, many times I had come across some old abandon wirefencing that was forgotten by the last owner. This fencing was engulfed by the trees (whether they were initially attached or just grew up along the line and started growing into it). Whenever fencing is forgotten like this, it can cause a dangerous situation to those who must work with the forest in the future. The best situation, and most common, is that someone will cut into the tree to cut it down and they will hit the line and their chain will be completely dulled and/or destroyed. Worst case, a piece of the metal shoots out and becomes shrapnal that penetrates into their leg. Be kind to those who may be inhereting the land after you. Whenever possible, remove fencing that will no longer be used.

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