The Dynamo Is Our Dunamis

6 months ago

Our Dynamo, Jesus Christ, Is Our Dunamis. He has established us in His Presence, Power, Provision, Purpose and strength. When you know Jesus, heart to heart, you are never truly alone in the storms of life. We have many sunshiny happy days, but sometimes those pesky life storms hit us hard as the enemy is hoping to disturb our peaceful days. What now? Well… it isn't our strength, will, and might that rises up in us, it is HIS, that resurrection power of Jesus Christ, that is in you when you accept Him into your heart. Jesus, The Dynamo Is Our Dunamis, and uses us to do some pretty incredible things. Yet this is not our life story, to make us famous, to get us liked by the big crowds, BUT, it is HIS story, His fame, for His glory.

Jesus, His dynamo story is written in us, and through us in His Dunamis power. Once we think it is our story, that is when the fire flames out, and ashes remain. Yet, when we absolutely know and acknowledge Him in all of our ways, telling others that God, He is writing His story in us, that is when the light never flames out, the flame, the enfuego passion of God, our Dynamo is our Dunamis, and our life is empowered for all eternity and nothing extinguishes its light and power.

“Strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.” Colossians 1: 11-12

The clouds can roll in, the life storms can thunder, the winds can try to destroy us, but we still stand, not because of our might, not because of our power, not because of our wisdom, but because of Jesus, by the power, strength and wisdom of the navigation of His Holy Spirit in us, we continue to fight the good fight of faith, we believe in Jesus, we believe Jesus, the only ONE, Who can empower us, strengthen us, love us in that way where the light of His life within us, never diminishes, the fire never flames out.
The Dynamo Is Our Dunamis. YES! Jesus maintains our strength deep within our inner spiritual core, He is the power source of our inner light, He is the all of our everything, He is our enough.

How about you? Is Jesus enough? When you lie in a heap on the ground after you have given it your all and it wasn’t enough, you failed, and you don’t have the will power to get up, will you take the hand of Almighty God and arise in His power and might? The Dynamos Is Our Dunamis!

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