Super easy chocolate smoothie chia pudding

6 months ago

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Super easy chocolate smoothie chia pudding 🥰🍫A perfect combo of a smoothie and pudding, this light breakfast option is not only filling but also super yummy😋 Try it out and watch it become your new favorite ❤️

By: @shivesh17

🍫3 soaked dates
🍫1 banana , chopped
🍫2 tbsp peanut butter
🍫2 tbsp cocoa powder
🍫2 tbsp oats
🍫1 cup cold oat milk
🍫2-3 tbsp chia seeds

1. In a blender add soaked dates, banana , peanut butter, cocoa powder, oats and cold milk.
2. Now blend everything together.
3. Transfer this smoothie into a square glass bowl.
4. Lastly, add the chia seeds and stir well. Refrigerate it for atleast 4 hrs or overnight
5. Once the mixture becomes thick, top it up with chopped bananas and cocoa nibs.
6. And your healthy dessert is readyy !

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