Clean Your Intake & Change Your Entire Being/Life. Engage In Your Metamorphosis & Grow!

4 months ago

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In this video we discuss the process by which an individual can begin changing his or her entire being by way of dietary alteration and alteration. There are a myriad of ways to begin initiating this process of self induced personal evolution, & food is is just one of many prongs on the multi spoked wheel of real health. In this video we begin by discussing chronic health ailments & autoimmune issues that arise largely from eating way too much of the wrong food, way to often. It is imperative to remember that most of the food people eat in the matrix, directly impacts their life in a horrible way. The standard American diet, SAD for short, is a pro-inflammatory diet which is akin to starting and sustaining a fire within the bodies and minds of those that abide by nefarious tenets.

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