Troublesome Injury On Our Off The Grid Homestead

5 months ago

In this episode we talk about a troublesome injury on our off the grid homestead!

Hi - We are Douglas and Keri! In May of 2022 we quit our jobs and sold our home in Denver, Colorado to move to our 36 acre off grid homestead property in Cochise County, Arizona. Follow along with us as we build our homestead from scratch!

First and foremost this video is a dedication to our friend and fellow homesteader, Todd. Todd passed away unexpectedly last week and we are heartbroken for his wife and children. Please pray for this family's strength and healing during this difficult time. If you knew Todd, you know he had a wicked sense of humor and he was just a great human. If your watching the video version of this, please stick around to the end of the video to see the other half of the tribute. May Todd rest in peace with our heavenly father.

If you are homesteading, it's really important to think about safety. We had a mishap last week that reminded us of this. I was gone for the day and Doug fell about 10 feet off of a ladder. Unfortunately, his right arm took the brunt of the fall and he broke is arm in 2 places. He did not have his cell phone or a radio with him...bad Doug! Luckily, his injuries allowed him to walk down to our rv to get his phone. We are very fortunate that he didn't have a worse injury. We talked about how if he hadn't have been able to walk and it was a serious injury, things could have been much, much worse.

We, unfortunately, don't have medical insurance at this moment, so we were trying to avoid him going to the hospital, but the swelling just was not going down! He finally went to the ER at Copper Queen in Bisbee and had some x-rays which revealed 2 different breaks in his arm near his wrist. He opted for a stiff splint and a sling. Our friend, who is studying to be an herbalist and natural physician, gave him a poultice made of comfrey and bees wax. He started applying it 3 times a day and the swelling went down almost immediately. This poultice is good for swelling and also knitting bones back together. It's great to know someone with this very valuable knowledge!

We have two things that we want to recommend to you if you are homesteading, especially if you are alone or far from medical help. We are Amazon affiliates and if you click the links below and purchase a product, we do get a small amount of sale. This in no way effects what you are paying for the item and it helps us out a lot.

Motorola Talkabout Two Way Radios $72.99 Doug mentioned these go 5 miles, but it's actually 25 miles.

Rhino Rescue IFAK Trauma First Aid Kit $69.99

Check out our Cochise County Resources list at

Get our FREE EBook "9 Steps To Getting Off The Grid" at Having been off grid for a year now, we think these 9 steps are CRITICAL before you start your off grid journey! When you sign up, we will add you to our weekly newsletter too.

DISCLAIMER: Douglas and Keri are not contractors and the information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes. Please make sure to do your own research!

Once again, thanks for following along with us and we hope to inspire you to live your best life, whatever that might mean for you!


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Music by: Licensed by Tunepocket
Video Editing by Douglas on iMovie for Windows
Graphic Design and content by Keri on Canva

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