The Real Adam Smith: Ideas That Changed The World - International Trade/Economics

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The Real Adam Smith: Ideas That Changed The World - International Trade/Economics
858,103 views March 28, 2016
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Funny Thing. The British may have seen the Development of the Modern Economy, Mass Shipping and Free Trade over 200 Years Ago, but the ETHICS Part Never Caught on with the British Empire.
Indeed, from the very beginning, England's Gun Ship Diplomacy was focused on Winning at Any Cost. Their Empire was Built Upon Opium and Slavery and Forcing Trade Through Military Means and Intimidation.
Though Talking a Good Game, the British Concept of Free Trade actually meant THEY WERE FREE TO TRADE, BUT COMPETING NATIONS WERE NOT.
Then with the Birth of the Modern International Banking System the British Empire Took Piracy to Finance and Economics. Our Modern Day Rigged System of International Banking is the Result of the Complete Lack of Any Ethics.
There is a massive difference between Legal Law and Just Law. The Law of course being the other major form of Corruption that was Rigged in the favor of British Hegemony.
I am not yet familiar with the History of Adam Smith, but it is easy to say that ethics was never a serious consideration for the British Empire.
The Corruption of our Modern Day World sprang from the same Ethics that brang the East India Trading Company to Power. The British Crown and Royal Privy Council are the Modern Equivalent.
And the usage of Modern Day Mega Corporations as Examples of Adam Smith's Ideals is a good illustration of that Corruption. It also shows how the False morality is Pimped out as Truth, but in the Real World have Nothing to do with Ethics...
The Real Adam Smith: A Personal Exploration by Johan Norberg, takes an intriguing, two-part look at Smith and the evolution and relevance of his ideas today, both economic and ethical.
It’s difficult to imagine that a man who lived with horse drawn carriages and sailing ships would foresee our massive 21st century global market exchange, much less the relationship between markets and morality. But Adam Smith was no ordinary 18th century figure.
Considered the “father of modern economics,” Smith was first and foremost a moral philosopher. The revolutionary ideas he penned in The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments, changed the world.
Norberg explores Smith’s insights regarding free trade and the nature of wealth to the present, where they are thriving and driving the world’s economy. In the second hour, Ideas That Changed The World, Norberg traces Smith’s insights regarding the benefits of free trade and the nature of wealth to the present, where they are currently in operation. He talks with some of the most distinguished Adam Smith scholars, as well as leaders of some of the world’s most admired companies to discover how Smith’s ideas continue to be relevant and drive the global economy today.
Chapters 0:00 Introduction 2:00 Global Markets 8:42 Asia & Adam Smith 17:30 Airbus – Division of Labor 20:57 Shipping - Global Trade 26:39 Whole Foods – Moral Markets 34:44 Don’t Feed Big Business 37:22 eBay - Self-regulating Business 43:44 America & Adam Smith 50:15 Conclusion

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