Legendary traditions of Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik مسلمہ بن عبد الملک کی افسانوی روایات

5 months ago

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Legendary traditions of Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik

Dekhti aankhon aur suntay kanon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters brothers friends and elders we are describing the fascinating world of Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik with this informative YouTube video. describing the stories and achievements of this legendary figure and gain a deeper understanding of his contributions to history. and be with us upto end of this video, if you will like then share this video to your friends so they also be benift.

In later traditions, Maslama's fortification of Derbent was parallelized with the similar efforts by the 6th-century Sasanian monarch Khosrow Anushirvan and even with Alexander the Great's legendary 'Wall of Alexander', meant to keep Gog and Magog (here equated with the Khazars) at bay. His activity in the region ensured his continued presence in the traditions of North Caucasus Muslims. Thus, according to the 13th-century geographer Zakariya al-Qazwini, Muslims went on pilgrimage to a mosque near Derbent where a sword reputed to have belonged to Maslama was kept in its mihrab.

Maslama's attempt to capture Constantinople in particular became celebrated in later Muslim literature, with several surviving accounts, mostly semi-fictional, in which the historical defeat was transformed into a sort of victory: Maslama was said to have departed only after symbolically entering the Byzantine capital on his horse accompanied by thirty riders; Leo received him with honour and led him to the Hagia Sophia, where the emperor paid homage to the Arab general. The tales of the siege influenced similar episodes in Arabic epic literature, where Maslama appears associated with Abdallah al-Battal, another legendary Arab hero of the wars against Byzantium. His campaign against Constantinople continued to provide inspiration to later Muslim authors, from the Muhadarat al-Abrar ascribed to the 13th-century Andalusian mystic Ibn Arabi, to the khamsa of the 17th-century Ottoman poet Nargisi.

Furthermore, Byzantine tradition, as recorded in the 10th-century De Administrando Imperio, held that during the siege Maslama convinced the Byzantines to build Constantinople's first mosque, near the city's praetorium. In reality, the mosque near the praetorium was most likely erected in about 860, as a result of an Arab embassy in that year. It survived down to the sack of the city by the Fourth Crusade.[66] Later Ottoman tradition also ascribed the building of the Arap Mosque (located outside Constantinople proper in Galata) to Maslama, although it erroneously dated this to around 686, probably confusing Maslama's attack with the first Arab siege in the 670s.

So friends, tomorrow we will be described Land development and reclamation projects of Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik, hope you will like our struggle and watch all our videos related to this historical topic, may Allah bless you. Allah Hafiz


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