Governorship in Iraq , Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik against Byzantium and the sack of Caesarea

5 months ago

@islamichistory813 #IraqHistory #ByzantineEmpire #MilitaryConflict

Governorship in Iraq , Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik against Byzantium and the sack of Caesarea

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

Dekhti aankhon aur suntay kanon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters brothers friends and elders, we are describing In this informative video, the historical events surrounding the governorship in Iraq of Maslama Ibn Malik and the conflict between Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik and Byzantium, culminating in the sack of Caesarea. Please be with us upto end of this video as we describing the political and military dynamics of this significant period in history.

After his failure at Constantinople, Maslama was dispatched to Iraq to quell the Kharijites, an Islamic sect opposed to the Umayyads. Following Umar's death and the accession of his brother Yazid II in 720, he was tasked with suppressing the mass Iraqi revolt led by Yazid ibn al-Muhallab, whom he defeated and killed in August 720. As governor of Iraq, a major provincial office whose authority extended over the eastern half of the Caliphate, Maslama championed the Qays in their factional conflict with the Yaman, whose interests Ibn al-Muhallab had represented. Maslama dismissed all the Yamani sub-governors of Iraq and the eastern provinces and voided all the orders Ibn al-Muhallab had issued while in office.[29] Maslama soon fell out of favour with the Caliph, who resented and feared his power as governor of Iraq, as well as his interference in the caliphal succession: Maslama favoured his brother Hisham over Yazid's son al-Walid. Yazid recalled Maslama from his post, ostensibly because he had failed to deliver his provinces' tax haul to the caliphal capital, Damascus, and replaced him with Maslama's Qaysi protege, Umar ibn Hubayra al-Fazari.

Maslama then disappears from the sources and re-emerges in 725, shortly after Yazid's death and the accession of Hisham, who sent Maslama to replace the veteran general al-Jarrah ibn Abdallah al-Hakami in the Caucasus front against the Khazars. Initially, however, Maslama was mostly active in the Byzantine front, and the war against the Khazars was delegated to al-Harith ibn Amr al-Ta'i.In winter 725, Maslama led an expedition against Asia Minor from Melitene, which culminated in the sack of Caesarea on 13 January 726. Along with the capture of Gangra by Abdallah al-Battal in 727, this was one of the major successes of Arab arms against the Byzantines in the 720s. A few months later, he also led the otherwise unremarkable northern sa'ifa into Byzantine territory.

Gangra was a town of Paphlagonia that appears to have been once the capital of Paphlagonia and a princely residence, for it is known from Strabo that Deiotarus Philadelphus (before 31 BC–5/6 A.D.), the last king of Paphlagonia, resided there.

So friends, tomorrow we will be describedthe Fighting between Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik and Khazars, hope you will like our struggle and watch all our videos related to this historical topic, may Allah bless you. Allah Hafiz


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