An old leader with a sharp mind.

4 months ago

An old leader with a sharp mind.
Kind and firm, A rare trait that you will not find in many world leaders today.
Singapore is a great place I like it a lot, but they don’t fuck about with their laws.
He is right, western people and their media always presume that everything in the west is the best and everyone else should drop what they are doing and start to mimic them…
For the one who disagree with him executing drug traffickers (not drug users), think about this : a drug trafficker is equal to a first degree murder. They plan to trap a person into addiction to gain money. This addiction often led to heavy damages for a long time like Lee said, and also death. So if you can apply a death penalty to a first degree murder, I say you should do the same with a drug trafficker. Both plan and have intent to commit a crime, dammit.

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