Chronically Healthy Life S1 Ep2 - Relationships: Love,Hate, Forgiveness

2 months ago

Welcome back to "The Chronically Healthy Life"! Today, we're diving into the wild world of relationships with special guests Ilene Gottlieb, The Heart Healer, and Freddy Frederick from 4ever Young.

Love: It's like assembling IKEA furniture without instructions—confusing but worth it. One minute you're swooning, the next you're arguing over who takes out the trash.

Hate: The flip side of love. It's like the universe's cruel joke, but hey, hating cilantro together can be bonding, right?

Forgiveness: The real magic. It's hitting the reset button on your relationship and saying, "Yeah, you goofed up, but I still love you."

Now, let's hear from Ilene Gottlieb on dealing with emotions, negative self-talk, and empowerment.

Ilene: Emotions are like riding a bike—sometimes smooth, sometimes you hit a pothole. Negative self-talk? Kick it to the curb. Empowerment? Realize you hold the keys to your happiness. Be the badass you were born to be!

That's a wrap for today's "Chronically Healthy Life." Love like there's no tomorrow, hate like you're auditioning for a soap opera, and forgive like it's your job. Stay healthy, happy, and fabulously forgiving! #ChronicallyHealthylife #theFoolishCouple

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