NESERA 5 of 5, The Strange Matrix of Technocracy 'Energy Currency' ? & the Crypto Tokenisation (Securitization) of Nature, Assets and Human Labour (Slavery) & the World

1 month ago

Nesera 1 to 4 below ... This vid features Whitney Webb, Patrick Wood, David Rogers Webb, RI$E, UK Column, The BBC, and more

A/ What is the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility?

B/ Ownership of the the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility?

c/ History: Global Collateral Accounts

What is N.E.S.A.R.A. (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) ? Introduction with Parts 1 & 2 to follow

PART 1 of 5, N.E.S.A.R.A. National Economic Security & Reformation Act, The Farmers land claims 1980's

N.E.S.A.R.A. Part 2 of 5. How the Global debt facility accounts began in 1875 into 1913, and which now enslaves the entire world

NESARA Part 3 of 5 How US Citizens became enemies of the State within and of their own county, and human 'collateral' for loans. How it spread to everyone Globally

Nesara 4 of 5. Debt Slavery by legal fiction fiction into a Digital (Bitcoin, CBDC Gold backed or not) Matrix Tokenisation / Blockchain of all (nature, assets and you) America's 3 bankruptcies as USA inc.

Energy Currency: The Road To Global #Technocracy | Patrick Wood (bitchute )

The Globalist End Goal: One World Digital Currency Backed By Energy Credits

THE GREAT TAKING (David Rogers Webb ) CHD, CHILDREN'S HEALTH DEFENCE (HOW LEGAL FICTIONS BELIEVE THEY ARE REAL like Pinocchio and as Yeats poem "The second coming" Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea (Dead in the Water) or again on bitchute

Whitney Webb: 'This Is What BlackRock Is HIDING From You' (This is exactly what is planned).

Astra & Terra Carta. Prince Charles king of the World & the Universe ? & anointed king of Israel ?

Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism

(With Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo) Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents'

General Smedley Butler - War is a Racket - Forgotten History ... or here also How a Great American Saved the Republic in 1934: General Smedley Butler

John Judge The Reagan shooting 1988

8 Million Children simply disappear each year ? CALIN GEORGESCU &"DARK SECRETS OF THE 'UNITED NATIONS"

Sir Mo Farah (Olympic Champion) trafficked as a child. United Nations caught Trafficking

The 3 strands of law. In 1929 (with the Wall Street crash as a coordinated action) Mussolini reinstated the Holy Roman Empire on 11.02.1929. Vatican City was formed as a private Corporation like the District of Columbia (DC) and the City of London, the latter is unincorporated. (See above in the first section of this website) Called the Lateran treaty the new Holy Roman Empire, was to last only until June 3rd 1985 for Vatican City inc, and it was formed on 11.02.1929. The Wall street crash occurred on October 29, 1929 and known as, "Black Tuesday" on Wall Street. There had also been a stock exchange crash in London in September 1929. The Wall Street crash had an earlier scare on March 25th 1929 the emergence of a cadre of Vatican functionaries trained in civil and Canon law that developed a new mode of diplomacy eschewing the previous focus on reconstituting the Papal States" Its new adherence to a form of Canon law known as 'Uniform Commercial Code' which although they are separate strands of law extending back to the beginnings of Rome and the 'Venetians' (similar to 'Phoenicians' see the 2nd part of this website and WW1 ) These are 2 of the 3 strands of legal but not LAWFUL 'law' 1. UCC commercial code 2. Canon Law 3. The 3rd strand is Talmudic law and not just the Babylonian Talmud of Judaism but the Iranian Talmud. Iran has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. (i.e UCC + Canon law + talmud law) The Vatican would say that during the long history of what we term UCC or canon law is the declaration of Pope Boniface in 1302 called 'Unam Sanctam' which as King of the World claiming control over the whole planet, until Henry the 8th who claimed that right as his, but which moved into illegal 'legalese' after the fire of London in 1666 with "C'est Tui Cie Vie 1666"

Crypto / Digital: The End of Freedom! C I A / Goldman Sachs / NSA / Darpa & the Cashless Society ...(or on youtube )

Bitcoin (or Helium) Ethereum etc are not 'decentralised' but invented by Paul Walker and Phil Venables and not Satoshi Nakamoto of the C I A / Goldman Sachs / NSA / Darpa / using code SHA-256# C I A / Goldman Sachs / NSA / Darpa / using code SHA-256# which can be tracked everywhere & is not anonymous as the internet is also now owned by Obama NGO The California non-profit organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) ) Not "anti- gloabisation" and no threat to central banks who will join into digital bank central bank currency

The crowdstrike blackout bitcoin trading continued as it is not on microsoft but linex, BUT individuals could not access any system to trade on anything ...all crypto will not work without the deep internet including linux and all can or will fail leaving cbdc and bitcoin Digital ID or chip / mark (microsoft ot linex or nodes)...then no money or food

Alan Of Salisbury: The Occult Art Of Law

Dead in the Water, Maritime Admiralty Law UCC Civil Ecclesiastical law legal fiction non law

Hill of Evil Counsel, Mount Zion Jerusalem. The Messiah, King David, Temple Mount & both Houses of Israel (Joseph & Judah)

UN ALSO IN SWITZERLAND .. Oppenheimer (Pt 3) Cern,The Rose Croix line Da Vinci code, Jacobs ladder, Israel Switzerland, France. Gates of Hades, Science & Esoteric Scientism (Gnosticism in theory and practice)

Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds. Microcosm & Macrocosm, Cern, DNA, & the Universe

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