Tucker Puts the Cybertruck to the Ultimate Test

6 months ago

Tucker Puts the Cybertruck to the Ultimate Test
How does a Cybertruck function in rural Maine? We found out
DISCLAIMER: The dangerously sloped roof prohibits sales to Secret Service agents.
The fact that Tucker drives a 5 Speed Chevy makes him even more legendary
Tucker showing off the lost talent of what journalism used to be: Talking to everyday people to get their opinions of the direction of the country.
Tucker and his pals in Maine doing triple digit speeds on back roads in a hot rod electric truck. This is the type of journalism that's keeping journalism alive.
Something about this video stands out to me. The hard core left wing socialist crowd would happily regulate this lifestyle and these people out of existence in it's entirety. Conversely these people absolutely couldn't care less about the existence of anyone in NYC and their day to day at all.

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