Uranus The Mystical | The Solar Logos

1 month ago

Uranus The Mystical from The Solar Logos

The text highlights the significance of mystical experiences and the inner journey towards self-realization. It encourages readers to seek a deeper understanding of the spiritual forces at work in the universe and to cultivate a connection with the divine essence embodied by the Solar Logos.

Available for free in the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/solarlogosorstud00turn/mode/2up

Subscribe for more content related to esoteric spirituality, spiritual healing, and subconscious mind re-programming.

Full book narration: https://youtu.be/tnsskmhzj3g?t=0&si=IPo_MaBwWmGcGCgw

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📛Name: Justin
🙏🏻Purpose: Offer healing, share knowledge, and support others on their spiritual Path

☀️Sun in the 8th: Cancer
🌙Moon: Capricorn
⬆️Rising: Scorpio
👁️12th House: Pluto in Scorpio

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