Candace Owens x Dave Smith

6 months ago

Candace Owens x Dave Smith
Dave Smith is actually anti war unlike many of these podcast bros
This is why these two are so important…I’m 60 years old and have never heard about “The Savage Peace” and will start studying it this week! We have all been lied to for MANY YEARS! Time to wake up…
My late mother in law insisted you were amazing. I didnt believe her, until i listened to you for myself. Not only are you right, your keep me laughing.
RIP Cristy miss you
Candace, your show is even better on your own. I’ve loved watching you grow over the years and especially now being able to speak freely and be yourself. So proud of you.
Candace is spot on about Dave Smith’s talent.
She’s correct that going back in history and breaking it down is something Dave is verbally gifted at doing.
He explains things very well.

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