Almost all the doctors went silently along with absurd scientific policies

2 months ago

Dr. Pierre Kory: "Almost all the doctors went somewhat silently along with very little resistance to absurd scientific policies, like the idea that we were going disappear the concept of natural immunity and it got disappeared by the FDA overnight. They just suddenly came out with a proclamation on their website saying that don't test antibodies, it's not a contraindication for vaccination and vaccinate everyone.
And then we start vaccinating children from 6 months old those who weather this disease really well. We start suppressing the use of medicines that we know the mechanism for that have antiviral properties that are some of the safest medicines on earth and suddenly we're demonizing and suppressing their use, going after doctors who prescribe it. It was like a totalitarian, almost violent attack on basic principles and pragmatism that physicians have had the autonomy to practice for decades and suddenly that turned around on a dime..."

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