Paramount: Cullen is a Fraud. Lower Window Shot have to Pass through Fence and Crowd,etc. IMPOSSIBLE

5 months ago

Important point here he says suppressed rounds wouldn't be visible like that.

Interesting that he doesn't address the subsonic shots audio, maybe he's busy and didn't hear that part of the theory. I closed at the end so you can hear him say there were no shots at the time. Not what Clay Martin said! He said there were suppressed rounds. So the implication is that both of them are frauds and deceivers, Martin and Cullen, but Paramount Tact doesn't acknowledge an important component of the theory.

It looks like it wasn't a shot through the window or if it was, it wasn't aimed at Trump. What are those suppressed rounds. Gunfight in the building? Shots at the snipers or some other Law Enforcement?

It's coming out that the window was open, it pivots out at 45 degrees and you can see it in one of Paramount's stills if you check how the window opens, it's at least partially open during the gunflash/reflection:

So now 6 days later, PT realizes the fence was there and Martenson realizes on the same day that the bleachers are there. is that bc the windows were open so they come after Cullen from a new angle?

Suppressed shots recorded (or added by FBI), and the window was open at times, neither acknowledge either.

#paramount tactical #john cullen #muzzle flash #suppressed subsonic audio

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