Bangladesh Prime Minister Has Resigned and Fled the Country

6 months ago

08/05/2024 WION: After widespread protests and violence in Bangladesh that killed over 300 people, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned on Monday and fled the country and reached Agartala in India. The army chief of Bangladesh announced that an interim government will be formed, he also appealed for calm and urged the students to stop the protests immediately.
#SheikhHasina #bangladeshprotest #bangladesh #InterimGovernment
08/05/2024 世界一体新闻台:在孟加拉国发生大规模抗议活动、暴力事件导致300多人死亡后,该国总理谢赫·哈西娜已于本周一(8月5日)辞职并逃离该国,现已抵达印度城市阿加尔塔拉。孟加拉国陆军参谋长宣布将组建临时政府,他还呼吁人们保持冷静,并敦促学生立即停止抗议活动。
#谢赫·哈西娜 #孟加拉国抗议 #孟加拉国 #临时政府

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