COVID-19 Vaccines Affect Genes and Damage Immune System

7 months ago

08/04/2024 Canadian Dr. Chris Shoemaker: The COVID vaccines make people 5 times more likely to get COVID difficulties, because they damage people’s immune system and affect their genes. It is not scientifically right to vaccinate people while the pandemic is ongoing. Safe vaccination should happen when it is quiet. Canada didn’t follow this legitimate way of handling a pandemic, but instead listened to WHO and did the opposite.
#VaccineSafety #HealthRisks #ImmuneSystemDamage #ChrisShoemaker
08/04/2024 加拿大医生克里斯·舒梅克:新冠疫苗使人患上新冠并发症的可能性增加5倍,因为它会破坏人的免疫系统并影响他们的基因。在疫情肆虐期间为人们接种疫苗是不科学的做法,安全的接种应该在疫情平息后进行。加拿大没有遵循合理的疫情应对方法,而是听从了世卫组织的意见,做了相反的事情。
#疫苗安全性 #健康风险 #免疫系统受损 #克里斯·舒梅克

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