Thursday Bible Life Today Revelation 17 8-8-2024

7 months ago

Revelation chapter 17 deals with the destruction of religious Babylon, or Ecclesiastical Babylon. The apostate false church is depicted by a harlot riding the beast. This is symbolic of the one-world false religion aiding the antichrist in bringing about the one-world religion, economy, and government. Then when her value to the beast (the antichrist) is fulfilled, he has the ten rulers who are over what may be ten regions of the globe, destroy the woman and the false religion so that only the antichrist will be the object of worship. There is much speculation and controversy over who and what and where the Babylon mentioned will be. Time will eventually tell. But just as Christ followers are to look for the True Christ to return for the Church and not be looking for the antichrist, we should be looking forward to the New Jerusalem instead of worrying about who and where the Babylon of Revelation is located.

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