The Destructionists platform

5 months ago

Increase homelessness.
Decrease production.
Increase inflation.
Tax every which way to Sunday.
Open borders.
Allow foreigners to vote.
Allow foreigners to live off taxpayer income.
Redistribution of wealth.
Increase drug flow.
Decrease sentencing for pedophiles and many other crimes.
Mutilate children.
Hate your country.
Keep raising minimum wages to close down mom and pop shops.
complain about the very corporatists who favor raising minimum wages.
Turn the economy from a two-person home buying into a 3 or 4 person home buying.
Force every state to push late-term abortions.
Keep the status quo for minority communities, with high crime rates, high poverty levels, lack of jobs, and lack of safety.
Deny the existence of the corrupt elite or turn the other cheek.
Fundamentally transform the Constitution.
Will not denounce BLM and Antifa.
Supports chaos.
Can't peacefully protest.
Group think, hivemind, embraces socialism.
Constantly complain about the supposed attack on women's reproductive rights when there is ZERO correlation between abortion and reproduction. It's more like womens fetus destruction rights you support. Label it like it is.
Blames everything on climate change.

Raise your hand if you've NEVER been required to show an ID in your lifetime?
Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

What are you so scared of?
Monetary exchange?
Freedom of speech?
A secured border?
An ID?
Election integrity?

What is your end game, Destructionists?

This has been your platform for the last decade.
It must be absolutely exhausting to be a Destructionist. Ignorance is bliss.

Where's a juicy plant based steak when you need one?

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