The Hepatitis B vaccine is mandated for children to attend public schools in 47 states

7 months ago

The Hepatitis B vaccine is mandated for children to attend public schools in 47 states.

Hepatitis B is transmitted through needles or sexual contact, so why is this vaccine pushed on babies on their first day of life?

Doctors don’t have a valid answer. In fact, if you ask them why your child needs the Hep B shot on the first day of life, they give you the lame excuse that there could be a hepatitis B-infected needle on the playground.

The thing is, there are ZERO documented cases of a child contracting Hepatitis B from an infected needle found on a playground.

Ex-pharma consultant @calleymeans says, “If the same fervor that our institutions use to push vaccines was pushed towards not poisoning kids with our food, we would save trillions of dollars in healthcare costs.

Not only that. “We would not have a budget crisis in this country” and “We would unlock human capital like we can't even believe.”

“So anyone that says lifestyle interventions fail is totally full of sh*t. The piggy bank for medicine is basically managing lifestyle conditions that aren't cured yet.”

Full Interview:

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