2024 Olympics - Used sanitary wipes & condoms floating in the Seine River alongside the athletes.

6 months ago

It was previously reported that a Belgian triathlete contracted a gastrointestinal infection after the competition in the Seine and has been in the hospital for four days.

Seine or Sewer? Belgian Athlete Falls Sick After Swimming in Paris' River - Report

Belgium has pulled out of Monday's mixed relay triathlon, due to athlete Claire Michel falling ill after triathlon races last week.

The statement didn't give specifics, but multiple reports allege she has been in hospital since July 31 with E. coli. Now her nation will miss out on competing.

Switzerland has also been forced to switch round some of its athletes after they fell ill.

Shortly before the start of the Olympic Games, an prohibitive level of concentration of E. coli and other bacteria was discovered in the river, but this did not stop the organizers and the swims took place.

Ekaterina Shabalina, competing for Kazakhstan, choked on river water and vomited until the end of the swim. And Canadian triathlete Tyler Mislavchuk vomited on live television and said that he “vomited 10 times.”

Paris Olympics going swimmingly? 🏊‍♀️🤢

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