This is a Chinese-made SUV. And the US government will give you $7,500 to buy it

6 months ago

Video: This is a Chinese-made SUV. And the US government will give you $7,500 to buy it bring the net cost to buyer at $27,500 這是一款中國製造的SUV。美國政府將給你 7,500 退稅購買它,買家的淨成本返稅後為 27,500 美元

The Volvo EX-30 is built by Volvo's parent company, Geely, which is a Chinese company. Despite tariffs and Executive Orders specifically designed to keep Chinese cars out of the US market, Volvo and Geely found a way.

The EX-30 is getting strong reviews, is loaded with safety and convenience features, and is the most affordable SUV in Volvo''s lineup. But because of Geely's supply chain and engineering dominance, this model will be priced to generate huge profit margins from American buyers.

Because Volvo has a US manufacturing base which exports similar models, a wrinkle in American trade laws allow for Volvo to import. And since Volvo is owned by a Chinese company, this exemption extends to Geely. In another quirk, because of an oversight when drafting the Inflation Reduction Act, buyers of the EX-30 who lease the car, then immediately buy out the lease, are eligible for the $7,500 tax credit.

This is a strategy that will soon be copied by other Chinese brands, eager to establish a foothold in the US markets where prices are among the highest in the world, and Chinese carmakers will quickly take market share of legacy brands from North America, Europe, and Japan.

沃爾沃 EX-30 由沃爾沃的母公司吉利(一家中國公司)製造。 儘管關稅和行政命令專門旨在將中國汽車排除在美國市場之外,沃爾沃和吉利還是找到了辦法。

EX-30 廣受好評,具有安全性和便利性,是沃爾沃產品線中最實惠的 SUV。 但由於吉利在供應鏈和工程方面的主導地位,這款車型的定價將為美國買家帶來巨大的利潤空間。

由於沃爾沃在美國有一個生產基地,可以出口類似車型,美國貿易法的一條規定允許沃爾沃進口。 由於沃爾沃是一家中國公司所有,這項豁免也適用於吉利。 另一個奇怪的現像是,由於起草《通貨膨脹減少法案》時的疏忽,租賃汽車然後立即買斷租賃的 EX-30 買家有資格獲得 7,500 美元的稅收抵免。


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