Put DOWN the Phone & LIFT Your Staff [SHORT] | Seeking the Kingdom

7 months ago


Put Down the Phone & Lift Your Staff

God has already upheld His end of the covenant - why are you not holding up yours?
You cannot manifest the Kingdom of God passively or indirectly, YOU must take ACTION!
No one else is going to do the work, not even God - that is why He has you

Exodus 4:10-15 (Moses needing Aaron)
- God don’t like excuses boy!!
- God needs you to manifest His Kingdom - whatever you need, He will provide
v.15 - He will show you the work you need to do

Exodus 7:8-10 (cast down Aaron’s rod)
- Do what God tells you, and watch the Kingdom manifest
- God will allow you to perform miracles, ONLY IF YOU FOLLOW HIS COMMANDMENTS, TAKE ACTION & HAVE THE FAITH (MATT 14:26-30)(ACTS 20:7-12)
- “He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies”

Exodus 14:13-16 (the Red Sea)
v.14 - Yes, the Lord will fight for you, but you gotta do the work LOL
v.16 - LIFT up YOUR rod & STRETCH YOUR hand
v.26 - the Lord needs you to also finish the job/finish the task - do the complete work


Exodus 17:8-16 (Jehovah Nissi)
Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpens iron

➡️ Faith in Action ⬅️
(MATT 21:18-21)

Romans 12:2
Don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the RENEWING of your mind

Philippians 3:12-14
First action - FORGETTING what’s behind
Second action - REACHING forward to the things ahead
Third action - PRESS ON towards the goal

Ephesians 6:10-18 (put on the whole armor)
v.13 - take up the WHOLE armor of God
v.14 - actively STAND therefore
v.15 Putting on each individual piece of armor takes ACTION
v.16 - ABOVE ALL taking up the shield of faith to QUENCH the fiery darts of the wicked one

Jesus went to the cross and died for the Kingdom - what are you willing to do??!!

Exodus | Matthew | Romans | Philippians | Ephesians | Psalm 23

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