Tomb Raider | 2013 | Lara Croft's bad hair day' with 'TressFX' | 1080p/60fps

7 months ago

Anywho, everything set to maximum with the exception of Antialiasing which my setup is either too old to push that hard or the game is not customized for Intel and Nvidia hardware, so Antialiasing is set to FXAA so I can get at least 60fps.

1920x1080 on a 3 meter wide projected screen or our little 47"/120cm LG 3D TV with the above settings looks outstanding and comparing FXAA to 4x SSAA is hardly noticeable. On my LG (pro) 2560x1600 monitor, you can see the difference in the finer details, but losing over 50% in frames (between 26-42fps), it's not wroth it at all for me.

Like most thing Nvidia, I'm very with there ShadowPlay software and if you're like me and don't want to record all you gameplay footage, but just the last minute/minutes (definable in settings) and have it in a 'ready to go' Mpeg4 format (with a good bitrate of about 30Mbps), it's perfect. I've used Fraps and Bandicam which are both great, but at a (small) cost of course. ShadowPlay has that killer feature of you being able to simply hit the hotkey and capture the last minute/minutes anywhere you want (defined in settings), meaning you will get the moment you want (that had just passed a minute/minutes ago) with out wasting storage space or having to edit the video heavily after.

Nvidia's ShadowPlay is still in beta and I've been trying it out for a month now, but recommend it highly already and think Nvidia need to team up with Google a little on this one and use Google's APi to connect YouTube together, allowing those who what even more simplicity to allow auto or manual uploading. Not useful to everyone of course, but would be KooL, especially being able to post a quick grab of your game directly to Google+ this video for example.

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