The Assembling of Ourselves Together - Part 1 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

7 months ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Basics and Fundamentals - Church Attendance
August 4, 2024

The Assembling of Ourselves Together - Part 1
Text: Hebrews 10:25

Objective: that the brethren may always be in the church services/meetings

What does being faithful in church attendance do:
1. It Inspires People – by means of example - "exhorting one another"
a. Not to fear - Moses - Ex. 14:13
b. To Follow instructions/examples
* Gideon - Judges 7:17 - to win the battle
* Paul - Acts 27:35 - to encourage people
c. To Fight valiantly - Jonathan – 1Samuel 14:6-7, David 1Samuel 17:51-52
d. To Strengthen the Brethren - Jesus - Heb. 12:3
2. We're following the steps/examples of the servants of the Lord
- Mat. 12:9, Mk. 1:21, Luke 4:16, Acts 13:14, Heb. 10:25
3. There's a lot of reasons like
a. God commanded it - Deut. 12:5
b. It is where blessings are pronounced, declared, given
c. It can be a place for Refuge in times of trouble - Isaiah 37:1
d. It comforts - specially the aged- Luke 2:36-37
e. Its the Important Place of Instruction the God gave us - Micah 4:2
4. Not doing so is considered Neglect (serious offense ) - "not forsaking"
a. "not served" - Neh 9:35
b. "doeth not", fool - Mat. 7:26
c. "thou oughtest" - obligation - Mat. 25:27
d. "shall be beaten" - denotes impending punishment for unfaithfulness - Luke 12:47
e. "have not works" - basic expectation from Christians - James 2:14
f. "it is sin" - James 4:17
5. By being in church, we exhort the brethren (directly/indirectly)
a. it's our duty - 1Tim. 4:13, 2Tim. 4:2, Titus 1:9, 2:15, Heb. 3:13, 10:25
6. Helps everyone of the brethren for the "Finals" - end-times events
a. fair judgement applies - so be rather faithful - Jn. 12:48, 2Tim. 1:12
b. wrath is being accumulated - undesirable judgment that should be avoided - Rev. 2:5, Jude 1:6, Rev. 6:17


Let us always be in the church services/meetings, love the Lord and His word

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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