Going Home Into Mountain Wilderness

7 months ago

The Practical Woodsman Adventure 14.1 Re-Issue. I get a bit better at editing with each new video. Here, I take out some of the things I originally thought would be interesting to others, but were not, and I include more of the things I thought would not be interesting to others but apparently are.

Appalachian mountain wilderness. Late winter, early spring. My still-pup Emerson joins me for the first time. Also, my buddy Jeffrey rejoins me after a year-or-so hiatus. Blue skies, and flowing water, water, water. Some spectacular waterfalls, and a very, very fine camp for the night. I cook my 'Practical Woodsman Stew', this time with carrots, turnips, taters, rice, leftover beefsteak, and bouillon.

Join us on our online community at thepracticalwoodsman.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Practical Woodsman within. Livestreams there on Saturdays when I am able.

Some of the gear showed off in this Adventure:

Backpack: Kelty Redwing 50

Boots: Danner

Softshells: LL Bean & Marmot

Shelter: Luxe Hexpeak 2P Floorless Teepee shelter

Hatchet: The Artisan, by JXE JXO (Amazon) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BZYK3R17/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

Dog saddle bags by Ruffwear

Breed of my dog: A "Bradbury Dog" - that is to say, a Ladner Blackmouth Cur crossed with a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog.

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