Citizens Requesting Military Help To End Genocide And Child Trafficking by Governments

1 month ago

Unfortunately the cries for help are falling on deaf ears. People need to learn that the military doesn’t represent them, but they enforce the UN & WEF Agenda 30, which includes extermination of the very people requesting aid.
The US Military is all part of this One World Government.
The soldiers are good and would love to help, their superiors who they are forced to take orders from are the bad guys. They run by a chain of command and it is at the top of the chain where the criminals rule.
Who helped distribute the Covid Jabs?
The DoD.
We have no voice.
Democracy is gone. Our representatives have very little power and most don’t even attempt to sway against the Agenda or they will never be reelected and will be publicly disgraced and condemned by their peers.
That is the state that we the people are in.
We are controlled by a corrupt criminal cabal who make the laws, reform the laws (write UCC Code) and enforce their interpretation of the laws.
We don’t elect, they select.
These elections and all these “rallies” are a show. Period. All of them.
The Republic is just an illusion presented to the people as something that exists.
Once people begin waking up and see that all wars are cabal wars and not fighting for democracy, there will be fewer military enrollees and then they will have a valid excuse to use the UN Army.
The Geneva Convention is a joke. Humanitarian Law is part of the illusion.
We are slaves.
This is like asking the cabal to voluntarily arrest themselves, put up the white flag and concede.
It’s not happening.
After saying all of this, it is good to see citizens who still believe that they run the government and are at least voicing their desires.

Source: Exemplar Earth a Sovereign Directory --


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END. 8/8/2024 – 3:00 PM

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